Match stats


Map: dm2

Date: 2011-03-20 20:54:20 CET

Red Armors4550
Yellow Armors5549
Taken RLs3638
Killed RLs2931
Dropped RLs2023
Given Damage3199233559

Efficiency awards goes to [-os-]manny for 61.2 effi

RL Killer awards goes to [bo]bamboocha and [-os-]manny for 11 killed RLs

Frag Streak awards goes to [bo]reco for 26 frags in one streak

Quadrunner awards goes to [-os-]gaz for 8 frags in one Quadrun

Boomsticker awards goes to [-os-]manny for 43.4 shotgun percentage

Aimer awards goes to [-os-]manny for 24 direct rocket hits

Annihilator awards goes to [-os-]manny for 10688 given damage

General stats

name team frags rank friendkills efficiency rl-Killed rl-Dropped streaks-Frags streaks-QuadRun spawnfrags
reco bo 47 15 2 59.5 4 4 26 6 5
bamboocha bo 47 -12 2 44.3 11 3 16 5 7
inf bo 35 -10 0 43.8 10 4 18 4 5
NeFuRii bo 35 -7 0 45.5 4 9 10 3 3
gaz -os- 43 -16 2 42.2 8 4 20 8 5
.andy. -os- 33 -19 1 38.8 7 5 11 4 2
manny -os- 49 18 4 61.2 11 7 18 6 6
pattah -os- 30 -15 0 40.0 5 7 7 3 8

Damage stats

name wp-rl wp-gl wp-sg wp-ssg rl skill-ad rl skill-dh damage-Tkn damage-Gvn damage-Tm
reco 46.9% 10.5% 31.2% 34.6% 99.9 20 6043 7786 384
bamboocha 49.7% 33.3% 35.9% 34.5% 109.1 20 10316 8487 339
inf 46.7% 27.5% 33.2% 103.8 15 8972 8816 265
NeFuRii 52.2% 21.1% 34.1% 15.7% 91.3 12 8228 6903 589
gaz 52.3% 26.3% 32.4% 45.1% 113.4 15 9412 8987 426
.andy. 48.7% 100.0% 23.4% 20.2% 87.9 14 8957 7231 537
manny 52.9% 8.3% 43.4% 43.9% 104.5 24 6271 10688 505
pattah 54.5% 35.1% 19.6% 87.0 20 7352 6653 100

Item stats

name armr&mhs-ga armr&mhs-ya armr&mhs-ra armr&mhs-mh powerups-Q powerups-P powerups-R rl-Took
reco 0 16 5 4 1 0 0 7
bamboocha 0 15 14 3 4 0 0 6
inf 0 11 15 9 4 0 0 11
NeFuRii 0 13 11 4 3 0 0 12
gaz 0 16 15 7 2 0 0 8
.andy. 0 11 16 4 1 0 0 11
manny 0 11 11 8 4 0 0 9
pattah 0 11 8 2 1 0 0 10