Match stats

Teamspuls fe

Map: dm3

Date: 2016-02-28 21:17:38 CET

Red Armors940
Yellow Armors3117
Taken RLs3624
Killed RLs1734
Dropped RLs1614
Given Damage2078431879

Efficiency awards goes to [ fe]sae for 71.6 effi

RL Killer awards goes to [ fe]sae for 17 killed RLs

Frag Streak awards goes to [ fe]cosmos for 32 frags in one streak

Quadrunner awards goes to [ fe]sae for 4 frags in one Quadrun

Boomsticker awards goes to [puls]d99-baresi for 42.9 shotgun percentage

Aimer awards goes to [ fe]brown for 21 direct rocket hits

Annihilator awards goes to [ fe]sae for 10373 given damage

General stats

name team frags rank friendkills efficiency rl-Killed rl-Dropped streaks-Frags streaks-QuadRun spawnfrags
Drake puls 24 -31 1 30.4 4 3 5 2 2
Timon puls 25 -48 2 25.5 6 3 3 1 2
d99-baresi puls 1 -2 0 25.0 0 0 1 0 0
meag puls 21 -42 3 25.0 3 4 3 0 2
_mushi! puls 26 -24 2 34.2 4 6 7 0 1
sae fe 73 44 1 71.6 17 3 23 4 0
brown fe 36 -6 5 46.2 5 6 14 2 1
cosmos fe 46 15 2 59.7 7 4 32 1 3
atrophy fe 58 32 2 69.0 5 1 28 3 7

Damage stats

name wp-lg wp-rl wp-gl wp-sg wp-ssg rl skill-ad rl skill-dh damage-Tkn damage-Gvn damage-Tm
Drake 38.9% 71.0% 7.1% 32.9% 36.5% 89.7 6 6893 5013 56
Timon 33.7% 58.3% 34.8% 37.5% 70.7 2 9386 6202 457
d99-baresi 25.0% 42.9% 110.0 1 300 177 0
meag 37.5% 43.2% 37.0% 45.5% 84.4 5 8386 5161 236
_mushi! 25.5% 76.7% 30.5% 17.6% 79.5 7 6914 4231 335
sae 34.0% 62.6% 35.1% 47.0% 118.8 17 4993 10373 516
brown 26.7% 55.9% 40.0% 24.8% 91.3 21 5979 7346 756
cosmos 27.8% 51.5% 33.7% 18.4% 77.6 14 4564 6605 528
atrophy 28.1% 50.4% 39.8% 36.3% 85.9 10 5248 7555 235

Item stats

name armr&mhs-ga armr&mhs-ya armr&mhs-ra armr&mhs-mh powerups-Q powerups-P powerups-R rl-Took
Drake 0 8 0 9 1 0 0 7
Timon 0 10 1 9 1 0 2 11
d99-baresi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
meag 0 6 4 8 0 0 0 8
_mushi! 0 7 4 4 0 0 0 9
sae 0 8 7 8 13 1 0 6
brown 0 3 13 3 3 2 0 8
cosmos 0 3 10 7 1 0 0 7
atrophy 0 3 10 6 1 1 2 3