Match stats


Map: e1m2

Date: 2009-06-07 22:36:29 CEST

Yellow Armors2726
Taken RLs2727
Killed RLs2321
Dropped RLs1011
Given Damage3562227242

Efficiency awards goes to [[sf]]furiousity for 67.3 effi

RL Killer awards goes to [[sf]]giBBs for 9 killed RLs

Frag Streak awards goes to [[sf]]marv.cocknose for 29 frags in one streak

Quadrunner awards goes to [[sf]]furiousity and [[sf]]giBBs for 7 frags in one Quadrun

Boomsticker awards goes to [-fu-]fu-dedi for 43.8 shotgun percentage

Aimer awards goes to [[sf]]giBBs for 17 direct rocket hits

Annihilator awards goes to [[sf]]marv.cocknose for 10207 given damage

General stats

name team frags rank friendkills efficiency rl-Killed rl-Dropped streaks-Frags streaks-QuadRun spawnfrags
marv.cocknose [sf] 66 13 1 55.5 3 0 29 5 5
gijs [sf] 46 9 0 55.4 7 4 16 2 3
furiousity [sf] 70 36 2 67.3 4 2 19 7 2
giBBs [sf] 72 31 3 63.7 9 4 20 7 9
fu-dedi -fu- 41 -23 3 39.0 6 2 10 3 2
fu-ilkka -fu- 37 -40 2 32.5 6 3 21 2 6
fu/Anza -fu- 37 -17 2 40.7 6 2 7 1 0
fu-kapo -fu- 32 -45 0 29.4 3 4 5 0 1

Damage stats

name wp-rl wp-gl wp-sg wp-ssg rl skill-ad rl skill-dh damage-Tkn damage-Gvn damage-Tm
marv.cocknose 80.4% 22.2% 40.0% 43.1% 96.2 7 8023 10207 191
gijs 72.0% 38.3% 33.2% 78.1 11 6161 7747 142
furiousity 64.5% 31.7% 46.4% 106.7 15 6429 8675 429
giBBs 55.6% 34.2% 16.4% 94.6 17 6629 8993 203
fu-dedi 62.1% 7.1% 43.8% 33.8% 76.0 4 9130 7857 263
fu-ilkka 58.1% 12.5% 34.1% 53.2% 79.4 10 9907 8050 277
fu/Anza 75.8% 11.1% 33.7% 23.7% 83.8 6 7552 5452 252
fu-kapo 57.9% 10.0% 35.3% 45.1% 88.4 8 9033 5883 157

Item stats

name armr&mhs-ga armr&mhs-ya armr&mhs-ra armr&mhs-mh powerups-Q powerups-P powerups-R rl-Took
marv.cocknose 8 8 0 2 4 0 0 4
gijs 4 4 0 7 2 0 0 8
furiousity 9 8 0 4 3 0 0 6
giBBs 6 7 0 9 4 0 0 9
fu-dedi 8 9 0 1 2 0 0 7
fu-ilkka 6 7 0 1 2 0 0 5
fu/Anza 4 5 0 2 2 0 0 7
fu-kapo 6 5 0 0 1 0 0 8