Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs El?intarha | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs defs | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 1 | LegeArtis vs Slackers | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 5 | The Gibbers vs Zundbyberg aZZ KickerZ | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | Apocalypse 2000 (Squad 2) vs BaconMen | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs Tribe of Tjernobyl | 3 - 2 |
Playoff Division 4 | defs vs NoNaMe | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs Da Quaking Manjakks | 2 - 0 |
Playoff Division 2 | El?intarha vs osams | 3 - 1 |
Playoff Division 4 | Morituri vs NoNaMe | 0 - 2 |
#1 2006-05-28 16:59 by faker (81.234.12.XXX)
ggs "marvel" and "batfink".
#2 2006-05-28 17:24 by (1)faker (80.249.70.XXX)
defs :1
qw :0
it was gg (honest)
#3 2006-05-28 18:29 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
some ppl find so weird things amusing (like faking in div4
#4 2006-05-28 19:24 by ;o (83.100.225.XXX)
#5 2006-05-29 00:34 by gaz (82.133.110.XXX)
Nice to see Gibbs in a div 4 clan :)
#6 2006-05-29 02:05 by marvel (70.159.21.XXX)
k seriously we arent fakers you know who we are!
We are irl mates and gibbs has had a long break from qw so
hes rusty. Its unfortunate we were put in div 4;f tissue it
has been a bit of a easy ride. Although some teams gave us
a run for our money hello mor;. chosen chickened out was a
shame;f hooraytio loves us tho he wishes he was defs
hooraytio DONT LIE TO ME
Div 3 will be roxin so looking forward to it providing defs
done die from some cold we catch while swimming in the
About the game now! well nnm put up a good fight what more
can i say? ;.
Got to go now before my RSI gets too painful
peace :@~
#7 2006-05-29 08:20 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
Dont unterstand only whole why you are guys playing under
fakenicks? You write thats in "unfortunate" that u
were put in div4. Next time signup with real nicks then
admin makes good decision about yours div. Writing real
names after last or one of the lastest games and saying
"unfortunate" is really "unfortunate"
and whine for me.
#8 2006-05-29 09:37 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
but panczo, you know that defs are liars, lamers, fakers and
a bunch of other things
#9 2006-05-29 09:49 by son (84.145.180.XXX)
panczo, dont even bother... they will never get it...
#10 2006-05-29 10:33 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
syke? and I thought you were corax? :S or is that the same
person? :)
#11 2006-05-29 11:06 by batfink (82.33.82.XXX)
i didnt know if i was going to play or if i was not until
about a month ago when i decided to play again.... didnt
think that quake would still be pretty easy so i didnt think
i was doing anything wrong going on this team... anyway the
team is good and soon i will be a better player then i ever
was now im on a team that actually lets me get packs and
quads... gg(s)
#12 2006-05-29 11:12 by batfink (82.33.82.XXX)
oh and panczo, here are your players kaj and szu? :)
#13 2006-05-29 11:12 by batfink (82.33.82.XXX)
here = who
#14 2006-05-29 11:33 by torre (130.238.163.XXX)
marvel: that's why you still search for div 4 pracs?
Not that the div 4 teams want to prac defs anyway...
#15 2006-05-29 14:17 by moris (195.113.132.XXX)
#6 2006-05-29 02:05 by marvel (70.159.21.XXX)
ur an idiot in the first place alongside with your
teammates. just about a month or so ago all of you kept
lying about the fact who you were, stating these were your
real nicks. now that your realnicks were discovered by the
community its no longer possible to keep lying about it just
like you did the whole season with mushi, konk etc backing
you up with the same bullshit talk. the only ppl you can
keep lying to about your retarded behavior is yourself. bg
defs, no respect
#16 2006-05-29 15:00 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
batfink szu is szu (long time ago well known us szugi), and
kaj plays with his nick from the beginning.
#17 2006-05-29 15:01 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
doh :P
#18 2006-05-29 16:47 by mushi (88.214.157.XXX)
at first we didnt knew who were marvel/bat, so we defended
them from the flame that was starting. after some time,
marvel told us and we stopped posting (defending). im not
sure what to say, but im sorry. i was wrong, sorry if we
were too strong for some clans and ruined the fun:( what
happened in other seasons was that we didnt had a low-ping
quadrunner, now we got it. that combined with all the prac
we had and our tp knowledge we managed to win quite easily.
but i will not forget what some 4/5 players said about us,
which is total bullshit (you know who u are, stfu)
now you know as much as we. stop this constant attacks:(
#19 2006-05-29 17:27 by marvel (70.159.21.XXX)
K let me answer these burning questions /me puts on his
lippy and blusher
Panczo: You should be happy least you get more of a
challenge in the final. I question two of your players
skills the names bat mentioned szu and kaj (dont think they
are div4/3 either) Oh and I know equal was ex div 1 like bat
Hooraytio: Drop the hate man its a computer game u win some
u lose some.
Hagge: Nah I suck ;f corax was class?
Torre: We prac div 2-4 gives us a wider choice of opponents
in this dying game.
Moris: Nice arguement as always I am a idiot. I have played
with this nick for around 2 yrs not really a faker at all.
People can change their nick names. The fact you keep
announcing in public on most games you lost respect for defs
DO WE CARE come on the channel and have a go at us if ur so
bothered? I enjoy a good arguement you pathetic waste of
space! Not like im some super star quaker a2k lost a prac
woo get over it;f
Mush: Your too nice to these retards;/
Prac some more and cross us off the list
#20 2006-05-30 00:52 by gaz (84.12.151.XXX)
Syke is a moron, news at 11.
#21 2006-05-30 02:34 by marvel (70.159.21.XXX)
gaz sums it up with his incredible wit;.
#22 2006-05-30 02:38 by Hobnob robber (83.100.239.XXX)
NewS @ 12 GAz iz UGly!
#23 2006-05-30 08:42 by gaz (213.208.113.XXX)
Got me there ;(
#24 2006-05-30 11:25 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
haha mushi must be defs own "baghdad-bob"
"There are no fakers inside our clan" (c)
"There are no americans inside Baghdad" (c) mushi?
#25 2006-05-30 11:32 by torre (130.238.163.XXX)
"quakeworld is dead" (c) mushi?
#26 2006-05-30 12:10 by xachariah (193.136.128.XXX)
this is pointless
#27 2006-05-30 13:46 by zanne (213.64.40.XXX)
Yeah, stop the flaming!
We should not have placed defs in div4 if we knew that
marvel and batfink was whom they are, HOWEVER, shit happens,
they'll advance now and they're not bad people. Marvel and
Batfink along with the rest of the crew in defs always shows
a good sportmanship when it comes to praccs, they never
whine about high pings and they sure came back to the
Great final, congrats defs!
#28 2006-05-30 14:19 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
The moral: it's OK to deliberately mislead the EQL crew in
order to play in a lower division so long as you don't
#29 2006-05-30 15:21 by mushi (88.214.157.XXX)
as i said earlier: "but i will not forget what some 4/5
players said about us, which is total bullshit (you know who
u are, stfu)" everyone knows who you are, stfu.
Again, we're sorry, we didnt meant to fool the crew or other
clans. have a great summer:)
#30 2006-05-30 15:27 by mushi (88.214.157.XXX)
oh, and i feel sorry for some of you, thats odd :P or maybe
#31 2006-05-30 16:21 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
the joke is on you mushi
or baghdad-bob?
#32 2006-05-30 16:22 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
btw zanne, this was semifinal
nice that the crew knows what games have been played :)
#33 2006-05-30 17:47 by zanne (213.64.40.XXX)
Yep, bust me everytime you can and call me an asshole, bad
leader, bad eql admin or whatever, in either case we do
provide a league, a league where Quakeworld is being
Get on with your life and stop bugging others.
#34 2006-05-30 18:04 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
dont put words in my mouth
i didnt say anything of that...
#35 2006-05-30 18:32 by zanne (213.64.40.XXX)
Hooraytio 3>
#36 2006-05-30 20:00 by ui (81.234.12.XXX)
a2k2 will make short work of defs in the finals. (we just
have to beat bm first, but that will be ez!) fakers beware,
we're coming for you...
#37 2006-05-31 03:03 by tissue (87.102.22.XXX)
Scared shat my thong, i am crappin my tiger thong.;=>
#38 2006-05-31 12:08 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
i heard some secret tactic was at work in the a2k2 camp, i
guess the future will tell...
#39 2006-06-01 01:11 by :) (85.138.138.XXX)
horatio king of whiners? followed by some others, but this
guy is truly the guy to look at. 90% of his posts are
STFU for once will you ? plz :) pretty plz!
#40 2006-06-01 09:10 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
you are the biggest joke since you dont even show your
realnick :)
so stfu and go back to your faking team of portugal/uk
whores will you? =D
#41 2006-06-02 16:20 by gayraytio (87.102.20.XXX)
Hooraytio stfu? the admins do good work and without people
like zanne ther would be no div5 for nubbz like you 2 play
You never have a point... you just whine and abuse people
cos you have nothing better 2 do.
#42 2006-06-03 21:01 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
i always have a point vs faker noobs like you
and if zanne didnt start eql someone else would have
so go home to your kurwa country and stop bugging ppl just
because they hate faker lamers like yourself =)
#43 2006-06-05 02:51 by gayraytio (87.102.36.XXX)
Again no point..........
#44 2006-06-06 17:03 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
sure it was.........................
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