Playoff Division 3 (4on4) | clan hafog troopers vs Quakeklan | 0 - 3
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Playoff Division 1 (2on2) | Summer Alliance vs Slackers | 2 - 0
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Playoff Division 3 (2on2) | Quakeklan vs Bukkake Samurai | 2 - 0
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Playoff Division 3 (4on4) | clan hafog troopers vs Team Freedom | 1 - 0
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Playoff Division 2 (2on2) | dogs vs Hippushnik | 1 - 0
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Playoff Division 2 (4on4) | dogs vs Hippushnik | 1 - 0
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Playoff Division 5.5 (4on4) | mmm.. gibbz vs Comfortably Numb | 3 - 0
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Playoff Division 1 (4on4) | sega gubbar vs Slackers | 0 - 3
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Playoff Division 3 (2on2) | SmackThatAss vs clan hafog troopers | 3 - 1
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Playoff Division 4a (4on4) | Div Sub-Zero vs Na Fianna.b | 0 - 3
Views: 3099
Pages: 1, 2, 3 | Previous Next | Total of 115 comments | First Last comment first
#101 2008-06-29 20:27 by 200! (77.79.137.XXX)
i didnt charged them lol
#102 2008-06-29 23:22 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
i think its great how a ban on del because of faking can
turn into some accusationfest on different swedish clans
from 1, 2 or 3 seasons back...
#103 2008-06-30 02:05 by lib (213.100.62.XXX)
i totally have the scoop on several finnish team fortress
clans using fakers from 1998 to 2005. msg for more explosive
#104 2008-06-30 15:46 by Stev (86.41.144.XXX)
I once played as "Player" in a mix.
I'm so ashamed. :(
#105 2008-07-01 00:38 by Bongo (83.70.74.XXX)
Reading all this bull$hit from VVD is really pi$$ing me off
now. I wasn't even going to bother making a comment but just
to let everyone know just how lame these f*ckers are, the
last time before this EQL game that we (nafianna B) played
-1, they dragged us around just about every server in the EU
until our team had over 50 ping. We eventually found one but
they were still not happy because one of our guys had 30
ping. So they insisted we minpinged, we accepted a minping
of 50 to bring just one of our guys to 50. At that stage the
average team pings were 55 to 70 and they were still whining
and tried to sneak up the minping even further. We had to
break the countdown and put the minping back to 50
But heres the lamest part, this last time we played them
when they cheated with their faker, we were due to start at
7pm. They delayed us 45 minutes because they said they
wanted to watch the ztndm3 duels and that they were waiting
for their 4th. Then just as we expected before the game VVD
started arguing again about the choice of servers and
whining that 50 to 70 ping wasn't fair. The average team
ping was 55 to 70, 70 was the best they could get on any EU
server, this wasn't our problem, what did they want us to
do? minping to 70 or play on a Russian server?? And all this
whining just as they were about to cheat on us with a Div1
We were a genuine rookie clan (unlike -1) and we decided to
play in div4b because we did well in our first rookie league
and because there was bugger all teams in Div5. We got moved
up then to div4a as they had to join the 2 groups due to so
many teams being inactive. We never really expected to win a
game in this division but we figured it would be more fun
once we didn't get seriously raped. But we really did not
expect that anyone in this division (people who've been
around a hell of a lot longer than us) would cheat or even
need to cheat against us. It's people like the -1 team and
Ass who are ruining QW, not the admins. If this is what
awaits up and coming new players, then it's no wonder theres
so few new teams signing up.
#106 2008-07-01 03:38 by VVD (194.154.66.XXX)
Bongo, LOL post.
Only ~20% is the truth, other is the lie.
Few facts:
1. I and Irvin have ping 38 at suomi (not 70 as us said),
52/38 at csn and, 65/52 at wg and etc. And this is your
troubles if you have ping 50 only in de and have 77 in
swe/fi. The middle of the way between our countries is swe,
but not de.
2. Ping of your team was ~52, not 55 (not big difference,
but lets be more exact). Whithout minping one from your team
has ping 38 and 2 of us has ~80. Is it fair to play 38 vs
80? IMHO, we have to use minping 60, but not 50.
3. I don't want to lose because of ping difference only. And
force to play 65 vs 65 before invite Del.
4. Del was invited only when we understand that our 4th 100%
offline for today and we didn't know about other days. But
not for win div5 team. I already ask your team for playing
prac on tb3 at wg with pings 65 vs 65 and with _self_
lineups. And you will see, that we don't need div1 standin
for win your team with eqlual pings. Activity is our most
trouble - only 4 players are realy active and we have ~2
hours in _work_ (but not each) days only, when all 4 can to
P.S. Of course better to have 0 played games in 2 mounth of
eql7 instead to invite standin in last game.
#107 2008-07-01 09:57 by 1tsinen (88.195.26.XXX)
VVD why don't you guys recruit one of the ~50 russian
players with skill of div4-5 and that doesn't have a
Ps. I'm not sure but I have this feeling that IE connections
are routed thrue de/dk (or otherwise f*cked up) to
scandinavia, atleast seems so when you think of the pings.
#108 2008-07-01 11:55 by VVD (194.154.66.XXX)
> ~50 russian players with skill of div4-5
Hm. Can you say nicks? Where are many active div6-7(mb low
div5) players in RU, but not div4-5. All div4+ RU players
or have team in EQL/NQR, or innactive, or don't want to play
in any leagues. :-(
#109 2008-07-01 13:03 by Zepp (212.33.22.XXX)
sorry to hear Vova, but, frankly speaking, who cares?
rules are rules, and your problems are your problems.
If you'll kill an old lady for $10, will your hunger be a
justification for you?
#110 2008-07-01 13:36 by 1tsinen (88.195.26.XXX)
Well I've learned that russian div6-7 skill is the same as
european div 4-5 players. I'm also counted as div5 in russia
when playing and ehm, let me think which div i usually play
in :)
#111 2008-07-01 16:45 by gore (85.211.243.XXX)
99.9% of people in England can't get less than 52ms to
Sweden (only ever seen it twice that someone had 38ms) so
the Irish/Scottish chaps have no chance of less than 65ms I
would say :p
#112 2008-07-01 17:37 by Kalma (88.112.65.XXX)
I don't know why anyone bothers to run leagues for this
#113 2008-07-01 20:14 by 1tsinen (77.105.80.XXX)
For Captain Justice, no more posts without real nick. (2
posts removed earlier)
#114 2008-07-03 19:24 by votary (85.230.25.XXX)
GGs 3B. First ghosting then this! wounder why ppls stop
playing qw, and you loose XN to wow, he might not like what
you'v done or doing..
QW for ever. dont stop play it for this, its to fun. keep it
up and we can all enjoy it and ban or stop playing against
those idiots.
#115 2008-07-04 09:42 by fog (213.134.126.XXX)
Votary for president!
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