Playoffs Div1 | The Viper squad vs Bear Beer Balalaika | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Div3 | Demolition Crew vs Hippushnik | 1 - 3
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Playoffs Div4 | Apocalypse 2000 vs naim | 2 - 3
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Playoffs Div5 | Bad Luck Troopers vs Na Fianna | 3 - 2
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Playoffs Div5 | Na Fianna vs StarkaStyrkan | 1 - 0
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Playoffs Div1 | Druidz vs Bear Beer Balalaika | 0 - 3
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Playoffs Div2 | No Pasaran! vs Suddendeath ll | 0 - 3
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Playoffs Div3 | Hippushnik vs Chosen | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Div1 | The Viper squad vs Clan MalFunction | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Div5 | Bad Luck Troopers vs Bloodpunch | 3 - 0
CMT3 - Deutschmachine | |||||||||||||||||
The Viper squad: 303 | Bear Beer Balalaika: 130 | ||||||||||||||||
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DM3 - The Abandoned Base | |||||||||||||||||
The Viper squad: 305 | Bear Beer Balalaika: 114 | ||||||||||||||||
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No statistics availible | |||||||||||||||||
DM2 - Claustrophobolis | |||||||||||||||||
The Viper squad: 412 | Bear Beer Balalaika: 81 | ||||||||||||||||
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Map Statistics: | |||||||||||||||||
No statistics availible |
#1 2008-12-16 22:54 by Hooraytio (89.160.23.XXX)
too hard this time!
gz tvs!
#2 2008-12-16 23:00 by blAze (83.150.112.XXX)
ggs 3b! Until next league, over and out. :)
#3 2008-12-16 23:02 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
tvs proving that they are unbeatable atm, who will be up for
the challenge in the future? could someone upload the demos
or tell me what server they played on? kthx!
#4 2008-12-16 23:03 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
already up on ch-tv \o/
#5 2008-12-16 23:29 by Hmm (83.150.112.XXX)
#6 2008-12-16 23:53 by .devil (195.22.110.XXX)
ehh, where is fom :<
#7 2008-12-17 00:29 by znappe (83.226.185.XXX)
probably doing more important things than qw'ing
#8 2008-12-17 00:44 by soma (134.130.50.XXX)
There's more imporant things than qw'ing? That's a
preposterous claim.
I'd love to get FOM back too. I'd probably even pay for
#9 2008-12-17 01:17 by SS (217.172.29.XXX)
#10 2008-12-17 10:28 by bent (193.225.159.XXX)
Why so many specs? Don't tell me there was no QTV to use...
#11 2008-12-17 11:17 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
can't there be both?
#12 2008-12-17 11:28 by disco.record (84.10.206.XXX)
I gave my spot to Dahmer and he actually was CSN-cam :} Not
everybody use QTV Bent. Great games both, gratz tVS! Now
it's time for some skiing!
ps. hUg hAGGe <3
#13 2008-12-17 12:45 by Flamer (88.100.145.XXX)
Let's play div1 final now! :\
#14 2008-12-17 15:19 by Bulat (94.41.46.XXX)
bulat no play 3b no win
#15 2008-12-17 16:20 by Vertigo (84.249.209.XXX)
A sad end to a decent tournament. Seems like there's only
one professional team left. QW is dead.
#16 2008-12-17 17:10 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
omg, seems like bulat is learning english! when you are
fluent we will sit down and have a nice talk <3
don't worry vert, next season I will make sure there's at
least one more Be
#17 2008-12-17 20:12 by TiMMi (85.255.34.XXX)
And we'll prac so much that we belong up there too!
The Axemen is coming to a server near you!
#18 2008-12-17 21:03 by lib (213.100.62.XXX)
#19 2008-12-18 09:36 by Hooraytio (213.66.202.XXX)
omg, pray for the return of LINK
#20 2008-12-18 13:03 by Hagge (130.235.227.XXX)
we will steal link from the axemen, he belongs in
campbusters Be
#21 2008-12-18 17:07 by TiMMi (85.255.34.XXX)
Haha, you can have him.
He spent 8 years trying to learn us teamplay, but still
we're clueless. So I dont think he wanna play for us
Good luck with link-whine in your team!
#22 2008-12-18 18:12 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
hehe I know what that is like :]
#23 2008-12-23 01:19 by I fake all the time (130.243.137.XXX)
Playing without tp or with linkwhine?
#24 2008-12-23 09:22 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
with linkwhine of course, I don't know what it's like
playing without tp :-(
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