Playoffs Division 2 | Fraggers United vs Segfaulters | 2 - 3
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Boomstick Ownator`s | 3 - 2
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Playoffs Division 1 | the Viper Squad vs Druidz | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 2 | Demolition Crew vs Segfaulters | 2 - 3
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Fallen Angels | 3 - 1
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Playoffs Division 2 | Fraggers United vs Apocalypse 2000 | 3 - 2
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Playoffs Division 3 | Boomstick Ownator`s vs Comfortably Numb | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 1 | the Viper Squad vs Clan Malfunction | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Tactical Powerless Amebas | 1 - 0
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Playoffs Division 3 | Boomstick Ownator`s vs In a Blaze | 1 - 0
E1M2 - Castle of the Damned | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quinas: 224 | Na Fianna: 155 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Map Statistics: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Efficiency awards goes to [qns]dib for 69.7 effi RL Killer awards goes to [qns]dib and [fian]Stev for 8 killed RLs Frag Streak awards goes to [qns]hedge for 31 frags in one streak Quadrunner awards goes to [qns]hedge and [fian]gore for 6 frags in one Quadrun Boomsticker awards goes to [qns]hedge for 43.8 shotgun percentage Aimer awards goes to [qns]dib for 15 direct rocket hits Annihilator awards goes to [qns]hedge for 9536 given damage View detailed map statistics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DM3 - The Abandoned Base | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quinas: 169 | Na Fianna: 121 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Map Statistics: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Efficiency awards goes to [qns]flash for 58 effi RL Killer awards goes to [fian]gore for 13 killed RLs Frag Streak awards goes to [qns]mushi! for 22 frags in one streak Quadrunner awards goes to [fian]gore for 5 frags in one Quadrun Boomsticker awards goes to [fian]sam trautman for 41.8 shotgun percentage Aimer awards goes to [qns]mushi! for 16 direct rocket hits Annihilator awards goes to [qns]hedge for 7451 given damage View detailed map statistics |
#1 2009-03-17 00:44 by Meugnin (81.84.104.XXX)
So... all the drama because of the screenshot. Although I
think I don't own an explanation to anybody I'll give it
just to clear things up a little; the screenshot that I
spammed on irc wasn't meant to affect all members of
Nafianna but one in particular because of the nospecs thing
-even if all the others agreed - (I'm sorry, and I apologise
if that wasn't the idea that the community got from the
spam). As you may know, geeky is the only server where QNS
can play with a fair ping; apparently that server has no
QTV; so, the idea of puting nospecs on was very lame and sad
in my opinion. Even if the server had QTV you should at
least have waited a little so that the people who were
interested on it could use it. This was prolly one of the
most expected games of this division and the result: nobody
has seen it. Also, I didn't appreciate the fact that Falzzi
made the thing personal using a picture of my best friend
and manipulating it; I can only understand a childish
attitude if it comes from a child. But anyway, I hope this
will light things a bit. Good games against a respectful
opponent, mainly because of their skills but not their
#2 2009-03-17 01:32 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
ggs we're assholes, quinas are nice people.
#3 2009-03-17 02:29 by mushi (89.155.175.XXX)
i agree with fern. at least, from some naffiana members
(everyone knows who i am talking about)
anyway, in 12 years of quake i've never seen a clanwar in
which one of the clans WANTED to play with no spectators.
well, maybe in a situation in the other clan was suspected
of ghosting, but not in these conditions. were naff
suspecting quinas used ghosting? if so, after this 2-0
defeat with no specs enabled and in their own country
server, the expected from nafiana is to shhhhh...
ah, and quinas didn't demand minping as stated in the
anyway, gg's, quinas were stronger this time, maybe next
time naff.
#4 2009-03-17 02:50 by HeCtiC (82.154.121.XXX)
This whole mess was uncalled for, in an official match
EVERYONE knows better than to behave like that. What
followed, was... sadly expected, from the losing team. And
like someone said tonight, some you win, some you loose, so
there shouldn't be any sour grapes or sore attitudes, which
started beforehand. For QWDrama there's a wiki...
#5 2009-03-17 09:34 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
you definately can't just force nospecs on an official game
like this, if there would be a problem (suspecting cheating
etc) then fian should just have called for an admin. I doubt
that was the reason though, so could someone please fill me
in with a reason?
#6 2009-03-17 11:27 by glt (80.52.183.XXX)
btw i was on qtv watching this match, so qtv works fine for
geeky :)
#7 2009-03-17 11:34 by Kwibus (62.41.97.XXX)
drama \o/!!
No suprises here since Mushi was there... such a drama
queen! :(
#8 2009-03-17 16:40 by Hedgepig (89.101.234.XXX)
Surprisingly quiet from na Fianna given how vocal you were
last night.
The issue is not about nospecs, it's a fundamental attitude
problem. It was very difficult for us to get this match
played to begin with (since na Fianna will only play vs us
when all their conditions are met) and even when we're on
the server and ready to go, they continually threaten not to
play. There was more whine and bad sportsmanship from na
Fianna in one night than we've had in every other game this
season combined. Seriously guys, if you hate QuakeWorld so
much, just don't play it.
And to top it all off you respond with this feigned
self-righteous indignation, mumbling about "harrassment"
from nOrules as it if justifies something? I don't know
what nOrules could have done to you guys in the past to
elicit such a reaction merely by being on the server and,
what, changing his name or something? Lads, if you have one
socially retarded player that is dragging the rest of you
down with him, then you need to get rid of him for your own
sake. Don't use his constant rage as fuel for your own
I won't go into the photograph because to be honest, it is
embarrassing. Regardless of what happens here in the world
of Quake, you should not dig into somebody's personal life.
Especially not for the sake of a bit of sniggering with your
loser buddies (who probably don't even like you to begin
I am ashamed that you guys are flying the Irish flag. Sorry
to say that when we meet in the playoffs I hope there will
be an admin present so that we don't have to put up with any
more of your bullshit.
#9 2009-03-17 17:02 by chad (62.84.170.XXX)
#10 2009-03-17 17:21 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
of course we're being quiet, you're launching a fuckin'
campaign of nafianna are assholes.
let's remember it like this and in no other way: NaFianna =
Asshole - Quinas = Good.
#11 2009-03-17 17:25 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
and hedge, self-righteous indignation? good one i laffed :-D
#12 2009-03-17 17:55 by Falzzi (212.149.174.XXX)
Oh please do offended over a stupid meme. Sorry for not
taking this all so fucking seriously as you other idiots
#13 2009-03-17 17:56 by Falzzi (212.149.174.XXX)
Do get offended*
#14 2009-03-17 18:01 by gore (78.105.163.XXX)
glt : what port is qtv on should be added to :P And no i\'m not commenting on any of
the things that happened because I didn\'t see them.
btw hedge, most of the time recently we haven\'t had 4
players... would you have preferred a walkover?
I\'ll say it as no-one else will :) the better team won. I
wouldn\'t expect a rematch in playoffs.
#15 2009-03-17 18:02 by gore (78.105.163.XXX)
meh why does this site keep putting \ 's in text :) Using
firefox 3.0.7 if it matters.
#16 2009-03-17 18:36 by Sam (86.4.210.XXX)
Yes Hedge, Ireland is gonna take one hell of a hit with this
#17 2009-03-17 18:36 by chad (62.84.170.XXX)
what/s up gorebag/?....//apart from nothing/!
#18 2009-03-17 18:40 by Sam (86.4.210.XXX)
"#3 2009-03-17 02:29 by mushi (89.155.175.XXX)
i agree with fern. at least, from some naffiana members
(everyone knows who i am talking about)
Some of us dont, why dont you fill us in.
#19 2009-03-17 18:52 by nix (134.93.146.XXX)
I want to see this picture!!! Someone post a link, please.
So we, the QW community, can decide if it is childish or
#20 2009-03-17 18:59 by chad (62.84.170.XXX)
#18 2009-03-17 18:40 by Sam (86.4.210.XXX)
Some of us dont, why dont you fill us in.
They will fill your face into a wall!
#21 2009-03-17 19:08 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
just to clear up the nospecs thing, that was more about
getting rid of quinas faggot cheerleaders cause they we're
an annoyance from the start (hi norules).
NOT about ghosting, thanks for making us look paranoid tho,
and we're assholes, and quinas are nice. mushi agree with me
again so we can start over.
#22 2009-03-17 19:09 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
we're = they're
#23 2009-03-17 19:21 by raz (86.4.210.XXX)
#24 2009-03-17 19:23 by chad (62.84.170.XXX)
Yes i'm sorry about that raz, sometimes i dont remember my
own length.
#25 2009-03-17 19:37 by maniaac (78.131.34.XXX)
this whole thing is just ridiculous. whatever happened, it
#26 2009-03-17 19:58 by Sam Trautman (86.4.210.XXX)
After a chat with Meugnin, I consider this matter completely
#27 2009-03-17 20:11 by Meugnin (81.84.104.XXX)
Yes, and let's hope this will never happen again.
#28 2009-03-17 22:09 by mushi (89.155.175.XXX)
div3 drama
#29 2009-03-17 22:47 by deus (88.75.224.XXX)
some quality drama here, very nice! can someone give a
rundown on what exactly happened?
#30 2009-03-18 11:28 by rage (195.236.107.XXX)
who wanted nospecs? qns or fian? o_O
#31 2009-03-18 12:07 by otto (85.23.163.XXX)
Let the drama continue on:
#32 2009-03-18 13:51 by Falzzi (212.149.174.XXX)
Yeah I still think its pretty laughable that someone thinks
a clan would ghost in div3. Anyways we did agree to play
with nospecs on with you guys. Where's the drama here otto?
#33 2009-03-18 17:27 by Sam Trautman (86.4.210.XXX)
Thanks for those completely pointless screenshots otto, that
having nothing whatsoever to do with what happened.
Did chad tell you to do those pointless posts?
#34 2009-03-18 19:13 by knave (80.222.17.XXX)
This reminds me of last season div5 final vs Na fianna.Thank
god we are now in div2 and we dont have to play against them
anymore. :)
#35 2009-03-18 20:16 by rage (80.223.137.XXX)
Yeah, you agreed after some pointless whining. I think
Otto's point is that drama rules and Falzzi is a complete
fuckface. Please remove us from this homo league. (Hagge <3)
#36 2009-03-18 20:41 by fern (62.194.162.XXX)
delicious passive aggressive behavior knave, you'll make a
good bitch some day :-D
#37 2009-03-19 13:47 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
omg rage, I have copyright on that sentence!! Be <3
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