Playoffs Division 2 | Fraggers United vs Segfaulters | 2 - 3
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Boomstick Ownator`s | 3 - 2
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Playoffs Division 1 | the Viper Squad vs Druidz | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 2 | Demolition Crew vs Segfaulters | 2 - 3
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Fallen Angels | 3 - 1
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Playoffs Division 2 | Fraggers United vs Apocalypse 2000 | 3 - 2
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Playoffs Division 3 | Boomstick Ownator`s vs Comfortably Numb | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 1 | the Viper Squad vs Clan Malfunction | 3 - 0
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Playoffs Division 3 | Quinas vs Tactical Powerless Amebas | 1 - 0
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Playoffs Division 3 | Boomstick Ownator`s vs In a Blaze | 1 - 0
DM2 - Claustrophobolis | |||||||||||||||||
the Viper Squad: 395 | Clan Malfunction: 86 | ||||||||||||||||
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DM3 - The Abandoned Base | |||||||||||||||||
the Viper Squad: 292 | Clan Malfunction: 77 | ||||||||||||||||
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E1M2 - Castle of the Damned | |||||||||||||||||
the Viper Squad: 260 | Clan Malfunction: 137 | ||||||||||||||||
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Map Statistics: | |||||||||||||||||
No statistics availible |
#1 2009-05-18 23:44 by Eta-bETa (81.236.18.XXX)
Hmmmm... Sure missed those games! :\\\
#2 2009-05-19 08:03 by JohnNy_cz (78.128.193.XXX)
A couple of fullstartinen :E
#3 2009-05-19 08:57 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
Yes, real unfortunate starts there :( on dm3 tvs got quad,
ring, pent and rl. On dm2 the got both of the rls. Kinda
felt like it was sr playing :E
#4 2009-05-19 09:07 by Kwibus (62.41.97.XXX)
It hurts to see CMF get obliterated like this. Makes me cry
#5 2009-05-19 10:12 by Hooraytio (89.160.23.XXX)
gonna be fun to watch the finals
#6 2009-05-19 11:16 by serox (85.118.17.XXX)
TVS are at the highest level any QW team has ever been.
#7 2009-05-19 11:23 by blAze (83.102.10.XXX)
It sure paid off taking a Swede into the team: out of 3
starts, 3 fullstarts. :P
#8 2009-05-19 11:32 by marklar (157.24.14.XXX)
our swede can speak finnish so his fullstartpowers were no
match for yours, on e1m2 it was just "ei kahta ilman
kolmatta" -situation
#9 2009-05-19 11:37 by razor (81.201.222.XXX)
serox.. imo the current top-team of all eras has always been
at the highest level any QW team has been on since the scene
keeps developing forward in skill all the time.
But ye I agree they would prolly beat old teams if they came
back today.
Its fun thou to think about some imaginary matchups..
the team that would have the biggest chance i think is maybe
a LA coming back and pracing for a while, or FOM.
#10 2009-05-19 11:40 by razor (81.201.222.XXX)
in the other hand... if we win the final then that should
make US the highest level team!? :)
#11 2009-05-19 12:21 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
that's right razor, so you better start practising! when is
the final? sunday plz?
#12 2009-05-19 12:25 by blAze (83.102.10.XXX)
The final is set to start on Sunday 20:30 cet.
#13 2009-05-19 13:02 by finfun (91.156.145.XXX)
Maybe mem should have played in more than 1 map?:( i was
hoping a more tighter match between these two but tVS seems
to be in monster shape. GL dRZ!! :E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E: omg its
gonna be a rape.
#14 2009-05-20 12:10 by serox (85.118.17.XXX)
Razor, goodluck:D
You do not get many opportunities against TVS so make use of
anything advantages you get:p
Milton is on fire and a machine for quad form start to
#15 2009-05-20 13:03 by finfun (91.156.145.XXX)
Replying to #6. It must seem that tVS is the best qw team
EVER but lets not forget that status in div1 right now is
not good. tVS has the best players and they prac the most so
thats why they are so overpowering. f0m,LA or even Koff
would have a very good chance beating tVS if only active.
Would be interesting to see tVS vs some kind dreamteam and
what would be the outcome.
#16 2009-05-21 15:58 by progamer (193.209.106.XXX)
hahah... tVS isn't even close to old f0m,la,sr,cmf. Too low
skill. They would definately end up #5 against those. And
easily even lower without XantoM.
#17 2009-05-21 19:21 by glt (83.5.132.XXX)
#16 ...or even closer to Z, FF etc. it doesn't matter what
would happen, the fact is tVS are fockin ace right now! why
do the most whine come from fakers :/ ?
#18 2009-05-21 20:17 by Hagge (90.225.107.XXX)
those comments probably comes from someone in la or fom that
doesn\'t want to face the facts :E
#19 2009-05-21 22:18 by justsaying ;) (91.156.145.XXX)
Facts? Fact is that div1 is fucking pathetic right now.
Who's active? TVS is active! Im just so sad to see this
scene dominated by one clan. It isnt the same when FF or SR
dominated, then the level of div1 was so high and we saw
tight and good matches. Its all in the past and yes tVS is
fucking ace right now. Hope to see someone ending their
reign next season or something.
#20 2009-05-21 22:46 by blAze (94.237.87.XXX)
Hagge nah, according to the ip they're from a fellow finn in
a certain city. Not surprising as finns are famous for their
jealousy. :)
Also our so called "activity" is mostly an urban legend. If
you look at played games at qw stats for example: fifi 518,
hlt 708, me 606, milton 926 etc.
As for the above mentioned teams, some of them barely
managed to win us when we were playing with lineups not even
half as good as now.
#21 2009-05-21 23:06 by nitram (83.226.188.XXX)
There's no reason to respond to the critics blAze, it's the
same every year when the activity in the scene drops, same
thing happened to us in 2005 when we won everything, people
were saying LA, sr whatever would rape us any given day.
People need to realize that without some activity none of
the older clans would stand a chance against todays TVS, and
besides, it's a privilege that a clan as old as TVS is still
playing the game, can't people understand that? Sounds to me
like some people see tvs as some newstarted clan that doesnt
deserve any of this.
IMO, they deserve it all, great guys, great players. Always
a pleasure playing them, even back in the days.
#22 2009-05-21 23:27 by blAzr (94.237.87.XXX)
Hey martin, you're a rare quest in qw scene these days. I
hope you're not planning a f0m comeback because Viktor is
ours now! :P
And yeah, these x would win y discussions are probably as
old as the game itself. :)
#23 2009-05-22 00:10 by stick åt helvete (212.37.117.XXX)
#24 2009-05-22 10:28 by razor (81.201.222.XXX)
well said valla :) i agree.
the winning team should always get credit.. otherwise whats
the point..
#25 2009-05-22 12:57 by nitram (131.116.254.XXX)
haha no worries blaze, I don't plan on coming back any time
soon tbh, but you never know ;-)
and i'm not sure how likely a fom comeback would be, I'd
probably end up somewhere else if I decided to start playing
active again.
#26 2009-05-22 13:27 by marklar (84.250.148.XXX)
plz take the whine somewhere else, tvs already admitted they
won due to lucky starts!!
btw. 95% of our qw is 2on2 so i wouldnt put that much weight
into any stats :)
#27 2009-05-22 16:40 by blAze (94.237.87.XXX)
95% of my qw is pov and mix. :P ca, duel, mix, 2on2, it's
all quake.
#28 2009-05-22 17:44 by razor (81.201.222.XXX)
95% of the times i play with keyboard.. plus i havent played
since -99
#29 2009-05-22 17:53 by marklar (84.250.148.XXX)
yeah sure, but theoretically you could also say tf and ctf
is all quake too :)
by looking at the stats page, you guys all have over 200
rounds of 4on4 whereas ours vary between 31 and 75..
just saying since you brought it up yourself.. not trying to
take anything away from your domination the last few years
but some perspective should be maintained :)
#30 2009-05-22 22:17 by Hagge (85.24.185.XXX)
I\'m better than you all anyways, if I only had other
teammates.... :(
#31 2009-05-22 22:28 by blAze (94.237.87.XXX)
Yeah I play a lot of mixeds (pretty much only form of QW I
play besides officials), but does that mean I'm "more
active" than someone who plays equal amount of duels or
And sure tf and ctf are quake too, and I wouldn't say
they're necessarily bad ways to keep your touch. Certainly
better than not playing at all I think. :)
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