Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Firing Squad | 3 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Leftovers | 3 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Demolition Crew vs hippushnik | 2 - 0 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs OldOnes | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs Suddendeath.project | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 2 | shadow minions vs Veterans | 2 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Morituri vs hippushnik | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | No Pasaran! vs Demolition Crew | 2 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | Firing Squad vs the Viper Squad | 3 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | OldOnes vs Suddendeath.project | 2 - 0 |
#1 2006-01-19 22:56 by menth0l
Some great answers there by mirage. I agree with all of it :)
#2 2006-01-19 22:58 by gaz
Haha, I'll put the money in the post :D
#3 2006-01-19 23:15 by ?ke Vader
Interesting interview indeed. Good work.
#4 2006-01-19 23:56 by Sassa
A month ago ihminen tried some povdmm4 and said he owned
hahaha ;))
#5 2006-01-20 02:32 by reppie
nice interview! good to you have you back in qw mirage! :)
#6 2006-01-20 03:43 by bps
Yea, really nice reading!
#7 2006-01-20 10:33 by Ari
Nice Mira ;>
#8 2006-01-20 12:37 by murdoc
gg ;)
#9 2006-01-20 14:31 by lib
great interview and great to see tvs back in business :)
#10 2006-01-21 00:18 by spokz
gj :)
#11 2006-01-23 01:26 by xazqe
tVS and mirage is teh coolest!! \o/
#12 2006-01-23 12:53 by jester
Although I haven't played in a year or so now I have to make some comments.
I haven't ever played in a tournament where tVS would've been in any favor.
Maybe some CS-kids liked your tactics at some lans but other than that ;)
I haven't ever played against a tVS that plays straightforward. Your style in
4on4 is very passive and I don't even bother mentioning 1on1. How can you even
say that? Playing E3M7 with TP3 and spamming pines to every corner is a
honourable and straightforwarded style of tVS I remember.
Otherwise than that it's great to see veterans back in business.
#13 2006-01-23 15:58 by Hagge
haha maybe povdmm4 was 2ez for ihmi because he played against me? :) and jester,
that's just what I also thought.. maybe mirage was being a bit ironic there heh?
#14 2006-01-24 02:13 by blAze
Haha jester why such a bitter tone. :)
"I haven't ever played against a tVS that plays straightforward."
So would you say our style is complex trickery then?
#15 2006-01-27 16:08 by jester
Ainahan te ootte hinannu. Turha siit? kai on edes kiistell? bleis :)
#16 2006-01-29 03:09 by blAze
No eik? hinaaminen oo aika yksinkertaista/suoraviivaista peli?? :) Ei spawnien
spammaaminen ainakaan hirveen monimutkaselta kuulosta... :E
#17 2006-01-31 17:26 by twist
nice interview..c=