Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Firing Squad | 3 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Leftovers | 3 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Demolition Crew vs hippushnik | 2 - 0 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs OldOnes | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs Suddendeath.project | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 2 | shadow minions vs Veterans | 2 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Morituri vs hippushnik | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | No Pasaran! vs Demolition Crew | 2 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | Firing Squad vs the Viper Squad | 3 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | OldOnes vs Suddendeath.project | 2 - 0 |
dm3 | |
Firing Squad: 90 | the Viper Squad: 210 |
dm2 | |
Firing Squad: 158 | the Viper Squad: 174 |
e1m2 | |
Firing Squad: 201 | the Viper Squad: 183 |
dm2 | |
Firing Squad: 178 | the Viper Squad: 131 |
dm3 | |
Firing Squad: 183 | the Viper Squad: 167 |
#1 2006-03-17 00:27 by spokz (81.168.155.XXX)
first ? \o/ :D
ggs !
#2 2006-03-17 00:28 by spokz (81.168.155.XXX)
btw. only first dm3 was fully secured almost from start by tVS then next maps
were quite hot/drama like div0 games have to be B)
#3 2006-03-17 00:29 by xachariah (85.138.70.XXX)
nice comeback by fs??
also, i have to say, blAze teamkilling milton on last game was hilarious. ggs
#4 2006-03-17 01:01 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
commentary zip will be up tomorrow/dayafter
#5 2006-03-17 01:13 by lib (213.100.62.XXX)
titanic battle!1
#6 2006-03-17 02:12 by dc.cuky (84.42.163.XXX)
Choicely i am followed whole events and i have to tell that it was really nice
batlle, absolutely genial games of both team, GGs
#7 2006-03-17 03:59 by Player (83.132.210.XXX)
#8 2006-03-17 04:28 by Sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
#4 2006-03-17 01:01 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
commentary zip will be up tomorrow/dayafter
that will contain autotrack demos and commentary so chilllll player
#9 2006-03-17 09:14 by player- (130.230.1.XXX)
This must be a very big disappointment to tVS. They had been praccing like
madmen, for example they started warming up for the first FS game 10 hours
before the game gonna be started. And this is the result, losing the final place
already in playoffs. Anyway, gg both teams and reppie showed his great skills
again, eventhough reppie seemed to be a little bit sticky in the first 2 rounds.
It was obviously be seen that FS was a better team than tVS.
#10 2006-03-17 09:32 by Ari (84.251.170.XXX)
much = must
#11 2006-03-17 09:32 by Ari (84.251.170.XXX)
I think there were two crucial points in the match which decided this game to
Firing Squad's favor. First in e1m2, Milton dropped rl to Reppie who then played
the FS's orchestra for the next 10 mins or something and forced tVS to camp mega
without getting almost any quads.
Second point was in the last penta when blAze killed Milton with pentaquad when
Milton had 200/100 rl+ring, I think that mistake cost a victory and place in
finals for tVS ;<
Too bad I couldn't hear tVS teamspeak that time, would have been hilarious since
mr.Milton is well known for his furious comments in ts and this time he much
have been exploded :D
But anyway, I think this was best QW-game since cMf - GTG game in NQR7 or
sumthing (can't remember correctly)
#12 2006-03-17 10:25 by spokz (81.168.155.XXX)
yea agree :) i havent got so much drama/fun watching qw game sine long time :)
one more GGs! ^^
#13 2006-03-17 10:35 by bps (85.225.140.XXX)
Hehe that would be fun to hear. tVS-speakerbox.swf?! :)
V e r y impressive games. Haven't seen this good games in long time + optimal
coverage by mr.Gaz @ ts, completed by Sassa's jump-ins "Are u wet in your
pants, gaz? I'm so totally wet in my pants!!".
Gonna see it all over again when demo-package leaks out. And, as my last words,
I feel sorry that tVS lost; they were my personal favourites in this encounter.
#14 2006-03-17 10:53 by blaps (217.13.241.XXX)
yeah, quad-ring tk and reppies 60 straight frags on e1m2 \\\o//
thanks to both teams for amazing games to watch
#15 2006-03-17 11:00 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Dunno when demo+commentary will be out. I don't have any sound editing software
installed at the moment, and I'll also need to figure out a way of haxing a
countdown into the 2nd DM2 mp3 cos I missed the start. I'd say early next
#16 2006-03-17 11:01 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Also 3 cheers for Keyser - great to see a UK player back amongst the big boys :)
#17 2006-03-17 12:57 by Benny (193.44.157.XXX)
#18 2006-03-17 13:23 by osams4life (64.208.30.XXX)
Will the commentry have the pre-show by sassa? That was the highlight of the
#19 2006-03-17 13:32 by iBh|1?2?3 (84.168.200.XXX)
MVDs can be downloaded at CHTV
#20 2006-03-17 14:00 by RecordockHolmes (83.144.87.XXX)
from 0:2 to 3:2
nice fs :)
#21 2006-03-17 14:54 by keyser (84.12.20.XXX)
Yea ggs, pld tvs. and thanks gaz :) best set of games ive ever took part in :)
and the most enjoyable
#22 2006-03-17 15:14 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
#18 yes the commentary will include sassa's pre-show julmast discussion :p
#23 2006-03-17 17:00 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
lol typical sassa to make a fool out of himself on teamspeak :) can't say I
watched more than a few minutes of the game, but it seems like the better team
won.. although I have no idea at all why noone in fs took the quad in the end of
the 1st dm2.. if they had just done that I'm quite sure they would've won that
map.. instead ihminen got it with almost no health and went rampaging! well fs
won anyway, so whatever :) gg!
#24 2006-03-17 18:11 by manu (82.209.190.XXX)
great game, by two awesome teams, both with thier own strengths. When fs lost
the fullstart at the last dm3, i was 100% sure the mm3-lockdown would do its
work, tho i was wrong =) great game, nice commentary!
#25 2006-03-17 18:13 by spoinka (85.178.50.XXX)
hagge , i couldve get that quad very easily.but we had agreed on a 5-mapper
before so i waited at tele.
very good games tvs ... was so much fun playing you and cant wait to meet you in
nqr again!
#26 2006-03-17 18:21 by ui (81.234.8.XXX)
A M A Z I N G games. reppies performance on e1m2 was completely astonishing,
I've never seen such coolness in a game of QW before. Tight as shit!
<@Torre> reppie p? e1m2 var riktigt OMG
<@Torre> p? e1m2 och sista dm3
<@ui> ?ven om hans frags d?r mer eller mindre kom p? bekostnad av resten
av laget. de m?ste tyckt att hela e1m2-rundan var ganska zz :)
<@Torre> spec. e1m2, det vvar ju han som vann mappen mer eller mindre
<@Torre> en bunnyjumpande enmansshow
<@ui> mm
<@ui> han var fantastiskt kall, det var kul att se
<@ui> "happ, mega ?r campat. D? G?R JAG INTE IN DIT OCH D?R"
<@ui> *sneglar p? razor*
#27 2006-03-17 18:49 by ui (81.234.8.XXX)
Btw, FS got 99 frags on the first round, not 90. :E
#28 2006-03-17 19:05 by razor (81.225.223.XXX)
gg's, ui stfu! :), i think he could have attacked mh once or twice, with lots of
armor, i mean ok you can die but its like 90% chance of getting the map :), oh
well he played safe, and never lost his rl, and that made us win the e1m2
afterall :)
#29 2006-03-18 19:02 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
oh, I see spoinka! \o/ Be