Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Firing Squad | 3 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | LegeArtis vs Leftovers | 3 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Demolition Crew vs hippushnik | 2 - 0 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs OldOnes | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | Clan Cube Squad vs Suddendeath.project | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 2 | shadow minions vs Veterans | 2 - 1 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | Morituri vs hippushnik | 0 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 3 | No Pasaran! vs Demolition Crew | 2 - 1 |
Premiership playoff | Firing Squad vs the Viper Squad | 3 - 2 |
Qualifiers to division 4 | OldOnes vs Suddendeath.project | 2 - 0 |
W.O. | |
Demolition Crew: 0 | Morituri: 100 |
W.O. | |
Demolition Crew: 0 | Morituri: 100 |
#1 2006-03-06 23:41 by gLAd (83.237.247.XXX)
why so?
#2 2006-03-06 23:50 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
they didn't follow the rules, can explain more if people really care :p
#3 2006-03-07 00:22 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
#4 2006-03-07 12:02 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
cmon explain! :o)
#5 2006-03-07 15:18 by vErt/siwers (83.22.7.XXX)
DC are very well known lame polish clan:/ I busted them koz they didnt do it
first time:/ all matches they played in nqr/eql they used fake div1 players:/
its shame dc:( I think admins of eql should do something with this lame clan:/
#6 2006-03-07 15:40 by B1aze (83.237.254.XXX)
So, why they lose so many games if they used faked div1 players?
#7 2006-03-07 15:51 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
and which fake div1 players have played for them?
#8 2006-03-07 16:04 by vErt (83.22.7.XXX)
one div1 player cant alone win/ hagge u dont have to know it.ema
#9 2006-03-07 16:09 by HighlandeR (150.254.194.XXX)
>So, why they lose so many games if they used faked div1 players?
it's a question or answer? :D
we used dag, insane, paradoks and reppie -> sometimes all of them in one
Sad we couldnt make it better then 3rd spot in div4 (and only because BS didnt
play their last game)
dont want to argue about that.
we didnt cheat in eql/nqr -> vert would let you know about it for sure as he
certainly dont like us :D
#10 2006-03-07 17:01 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
DC :/
what happened? i dont believe the part about fakers...
i have only good things to say about DC and i have played vs them maybe 25-30
#11 2006-03-07 18:41 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
ok, shamoth joined #mor asked for nqr, we said ok (even without our starplayer
dreama) and toddled off to wargamez (needs demos fixing)
cmt4 was first but we couldn't start because their 4th was lagging (pooll
afaik), so after like 15 mins "szu" connected and we played. we won
convincingly there and switched to dm2 where siwers (vert) said something like
"guys szu isn't szu it's a faker". tbh we all thought he was just
joking so dm2 was played. can't remember the exact scores but "szu"
had at least 30-40 frags more than his teammates, after they had "won"
dm2, siwers again said he's a faker.. then i thought well maybe it's true but
how could we prove it? then siwers had a genious moment... f_cmdline !
(near bottom of console it says plate.cfg)
no-one is saying plate is div1 though :) just he isn't on their roster
the only other thing i will say is that riker got banned for doing this.. double
standards admins?
#12 2006-03-07 18:42 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
--> vert/siwers kurwa odposc sobie juz przynajmniej nie wymyslaj nowych
bredni ok? jest cos takiego jak nie donoszenie na podobno "kolegow"??
uwazaj zeby ciebie ktos nie sypnal... ale nie bede to ja be nie jestem chujem
etc. gg
#13 2006-03-07 20:24 by shamoth (83.24.19.XXX)
Everyone know that szu is the best dc player and everybody know that vert is the
best lame in poland.For me.. it doesnt make sens to talk about it, becouse a lot
of clans in europe are know DC and they know how we play qw.Clan mouriti had W.O
The question is why? Becouse we have honor and we dont like stupid sytuation
.This was first game with "mor" but not last so take it easy.
#14 2006-03-07 20:26 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
exactly shamoth
#15 2006-03-07 21:02 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
so you play qw by breaking the rules then?
#16 2006-03-07 21:13 by vErt (83.22.7.XXX)
thats not true ,everybody loves me in poland:] dc are angry koz I busted their
lame clan ,thats all/ bl i future stupid lames...macie pizdy kare od wujka
vercziego:D dobry walek mi sie udal nie?
#17 2006-03-07 21:16 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
willing to bet that's plate too..
#18 2006-03-07 21:41 by blsp (84.10.9.XXX)
lol this all thing is kind of crap, vert is a lame and everybody in pl tell u
that, but what dc did is a shit though, but as far as i know it was their 1st
and last time, and yeas szu is teh best in dc , he has some mad skillz
#19 2006-03-07 21:45 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
you mean plate is the best in dc.. except he isn't in them!
#20 2006-03-07 21:47 by plast (83.22.134.XXX)
1. szu is better than plate especially at dm2 so even if it's true you just
gained because of that, no whine needed here
2. cmdline is no proof for me, it can be easily faked, maybe that
"plate" was vert who often fake as [dc]someone to make some shit? it
even makes sense since vert is the one who came out with this, i'm pretty sure
that he's capable of doing such shit with a bit help of his boyfriend tash
i'm not defending anyone, i would just be a bit more careful with accusations,
take it ez
#21 2006-03-07 21:49 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
they admitted it..
#22 2006-03-07 21:51 by gore (81.179.78.XXX)
#23 2006-03-07 21:54 by plast (83.22.134.XXX)
that screenshot also could be faked, vert is everywhere
#24 2006-03-07 21:56 by vert (83.22.7.XXX)
plast wrote-->maybe that "plate" was vert who often fake as
[dc]someone to make some shit? <----- OMG:D u r so stupid plast:D i cant
belive u wrote this:D u have the same IQ as little doggy
#25 2006-03-07 22:03 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
gore ask paradoks about szu (mad)skill the if you dont believe. They played in
the same clan - sade or smth like that. And like plast said szu>plate (on dm2
for sure). peace.
#26 2006-03-07 22:08 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
vert & friends
#27 2006-03-07 22:09 by fer (86.131.176.XXX)
it doesnt matter if szu is better than plate. You still broke the rules.
#28 2006-03-07 22:53 by HighlandeR (193.219.28.XXX)
gore -> it's definitly szu on the screenshots with no! and txf.
as i said before: we didnt cheat in any game before, the only reason for us to
take plate (who's more/less equivalent in skill to szu) was pool's ping 300ms.
#29 2006-03-07 23:06 by lib (213.100.62.XXX)
lol. gg llamahs :[
#30 2006-03-07 23:43 by joulukuu (80.186.11.XXX)
hihi i will be adding +cfg_load dag to my cmdline..
#31 2006-03-08 00:50 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
hmm as far as I know plate hasn't played for any other clan in eql? still counts
as cheating I guess, but they should've just tried to add him? or maybe it's too
late to add players for playoffs ;P
#32 2006-03-08 02:25 by ui (81.234.8.XXX)
This is just so stupid it's bordering on funny. "Yeah, one of our players
had bad ping so we brought in another one to play for him. In the playoffs. Oh,
and he's not listed as a member of our team, is that OK? Not? Well, uh... It's
just rules anyway. Who cares about them?"
#33 2006-03-08 08:17 by camel (83.22.4.XXX)
Hmm no zajebiscie Dc sobie pograliscie :(((( Vert dobra robota !!! Ciekawe ile
meczy graliscie z fejkami i ciekawe dlaczego zawsze szu wchodzil jako ostatni
player czyzby fejk? Smut i tyle.... No ale coz ludzie zeby wygrac zrobia
#34 2006-03-08 09:08 by gaz (84.12.150.XXX)
Hagge, plate played with Luis in several games (he played vs osams for
If you ever need additional evidence and are playing on wargamez then let me
know and I'll use rcon powahs for IP justice.
#35 2006-03-08 09:23 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
camel co ty sie wypowiadasz na temat fejkow? niech ci przypomne ze wy graliscie
kilka meczy z fejkiem w eql a my 1 mecz. gg camel co bys zrobil zeby twoja
cholota wygrala... smut
#36 2006-03-08 09:35 by camel (83.22.4.XXX)
Heh patrz na to co robi Dc a nie patrz na inny clan, TxF nie gra z fejkami a czy
gralo ? ktoz to wie ....... Jest taka mala rzecz: Jak cos robisz to rob to tak
aby nikt inny tego nie zauwazyl. Zreszta Co ja bede sie wypowiadal. W kazdym
badz razie nie udalo wam sie to i git.
#37 2006-03-08 09:36 by camel (83.22.4.XXX)
Aha i nazywajac cholota nasz clan obrazasz nie tylko mnie tylko innych graczy
jeszcze......zastanow sie jakich slow uzywasz........
#38 2006-03-08 09:46 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
sory za cholote. Przypomnij sobie jak ty grasz jako fejk i kazdy to wie kto to
morinioss w phc :( i jak mowisz patrz na dc to czemu ty nie patrzysz na tXf?
asinus asinorum:(
#39 2006-03-08 09:48 by lib (213.100.62.XXX)
#40 2006-03-08 09:58 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
nah, i speak elvish
#41 2006-03-08 10:25 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
english is fun, ale uczcie sie polskiego.
camel... zalosne.
#42 2006-03-08 10:30 by camel (83.22.4.XXX)
Prawda boli :(
#43 2006-03-08 10:49 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
yeah kinda thought he played for a polish clan, but since I couldn't find him I
thought there was something wrong with my memory.. remember that luis got
deleted now though :/
#44 2006-03-08 10:52 by charlie (83.118.103.XXX)
shouldnt they have just recieved a warning like the other clans caught with
unlisted/ fake nicking players during this eql season?
#45 2006-03-08 11:19 by flm (83.30.55.XXX)
Ten koles robi juz nie tylko obciach na scenie pl. Dlaczego Wy jeszcze go nie
zbanowaliscie na asterach i reszcie serwerow. Wezcie go usuncie (wraz ze swoim
przydupasem tashem) i bedzie spokoj, tak jak to bylo kiedys. Czy za kazdym razem
jak wchodze na serwer musze sluchac wyzwiska tego pajaca? Kiedys takie osoby
poprostu przepadały.
Camel nie zgodze sie z Toba. To byla sprawa DC nie nasza/Twoja i nie powinno Cie
to obchodzi z kim graja, poki nie zagraja vs Twoj klan i Cie o tym nie
poinformuja, ze graja z osoba z poza klanu, bo nie moga inaczej. A juz
kompletnie nie rozumiem jak mozna donosic na swoich.
#46 2006-03-08 12:36 by aap (213.80.7.XXX)
#47 2006-03-08 14:08 by vErt (83.22.18.XXX)
flem zamknij ryj policyjny pedale... jak u was na policji zmuszacie biednych
ziomkow zeby sypali swoich kumpli to sie cieszysz pedale...hwdp dla ciebie...DC
wpadlo bo zlamili i tyle.A ban na krola qw nie dziala heheheh banda frajerow
#48 2006-03-08 15:23 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
#49 2006-03-08 17:05 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
#50 2006-03-08 18:25 by chim (157.158.0.XXX)
No ladnie sie porobilo, Polak kapuje swojego zeby sie podlizac Szwedom...
#51 2006-03-08 20:08 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
charlie, since this is much worse than the usual fakenicking they should get
more than a warning.. maybe some kind of penalty for the next season would be
nice? that's at least what others that have done the same has gotten..
#52 2006-03-08 20:16 by shamoth (83.24.15.XXX)
przeciez polacy sa z tego znani na calym swiecie ze podsrywaja na swoich.Dla
mnie to nic nowego.
#53 2006-03-08 21:24 by vErt (83.22.18.XXX)
lol dc od kiedy wy jestescie jacys moi kumple czy co kurwa? na kumpla bym nie
sypnal na was proste ze tak bo jestescie popierdoleni,pozatym to nie milicja
tylko gra komputerowa i zrobilem to nazlosc specjalnie...podlizac Szwedom :D co
za kurwa kretyn zajebany ,chuja znam sie na zagranicznym qw wiec mnie to jebie
czy to kurwa mongol czy szwed. Trza bylo nie lamic nie bylobyy sprawy.Troche
honoru kurwy
#54 2006-03-08 21:30 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
vert grales w dos i tez fejkowaliscie a mnie znasz od paru lat i donosisz na moj
#55 2006-03-08 21:35 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
hooraytio, some mad polish skillz again
#56 2006-03-08 21:42 by lorkan (62.179.94.XXX)
pool: przed meczem vert powiedzial ze doniesie jesli bedziecie grali z fejkiem,
to nie wierzyles i nawet mu zagroziles jakims telefonem :<
#57 2006-03-08 21:56 by vErt (83.22.18.XXX)
ja moge fejkowac jestem krolem qw,wy nie:)
#58 2006-03-08 23:12 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
I can't see how you keep on whining on vErt when it was you guys who did
something wrong? :) vErt \o/
#59 2006-03-08 23:14 by HighlandeR (193.219.28.XXX)
you'd know if you knew vert. :D
#60 2006-03-09 12:04 by [dc]panczo (87.105.250.XXX)
dear Hagge
#61 2006-03-09 12:58 by gLAd (81.195.211.XXX)
can i fake for dt?
#62 2006-03-09 14:01 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
omg so much fake :< yeah of course glad.. there seems to be nothing wrong
with that :)
#63 2006-03-09 14:56 by vErt (83.22.7.XXX)
yea the same day DoS add me to their team...i didnt take other player nick.....
#64 2006-03-10 11:53 by dos]diza[ (213.134.187.XXX)
pool, roznica jest taka, ze w DoS vert nie zagral jako fejk tylko admini nie
zatwierdzili jeszcze dodanego gracza przez gampa, co nie zmienia faktu, ze
vertus milo postepuje wobec kolegow (-> pool :D)
#65 2006-03-10 12:24 by vErt (83.22.56.XXX)
qrwa nie moja wina ze pool jest w tym pedalskim klanie:(
#66 2006-03-10 12:52 by tom|3tk (83.18.140.XXX)
What is love, baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more
#67 2006-03-10 23:59 by knast (84.147.52.XXX)
i dont know dc....sry
#68 2006-03-11 11:18 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
diza <-- a czy ja mwoie ze vert gral jako fejk ja tylko mwoie ze dos
fejkowalo wiec o czym ty do mnie mowisz?
#69 2006-03-11 14:11 by KR?L QW (83.19.214.XXX)
The solution is one:
Ban Dc Clan
Ban Plate
#70 2006-03-11 14:16 by fer (86.131.164.XXX)
I agree
#71 2006-03-11 15:21 by mech (85.131.100.XXX)
Drama! go vErt go! ;)
#72 2006-03-11 15:30 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
#73 2006-03-11 15:51 by ui (81.234.8.XXX)
This is what happens when you abandon common English for kurwaspeak. :E
#74 2006-03-11 17:59 by [dc] - pool (87.207.12.XXX)
ui - i dont speak english sory:((( in school learn germany and russian - tut mir
laid:( pozdrawiam ćwoku
#75 2006-03-11 22:46 by vErt (83.22.55.XXX)
KROL QW is my nick,but it wasnt me:E
2006-03-11 14:11 by KR?L QW (83.19.214.XXX)
#76 2006-03-13 10:29 by gLAd (81.195.211.XXX)
[dc] pool: mir drujba jvachka ? :)
babushka dedushka and so on :p