Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs El?intarha | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs defs | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 1 | LegeArtis vs Slackers | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 5 | The Gibbers vs Zundbyberg aZZ KickerZ | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | Apocalypse 2000 (Squad 2) vs BaconMen | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs Tribe of Tjernobyl | 3 - 2 |
Playoff Division 4 | defs vs NoNaMe | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs Da Quaking Manjakks | 2 - 0 |
Playoff Division 2 | El?intarha vs osams | 3 - 1 |
Playoff Division 4 | Morituri vs NoNaMe | 0 - 2 |
#101 2006-04-10 23:42 by menth0l (82.181.141.XXX)
Will people pick up on sarcasm without a smiley... I WONDER
#102 2006-04-11 07:11 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
about your comment #69 JohnNy_cz:
There are other admins in here reading whats happening.
Im jus tnot that in, who is good enough for div4 or div5.
We all have our different opinion, we dont need to get angry
because someone calls a player in your clan a faker!
Lets just discuss this like grown ups as we are.
My thought about this whole thingy?
I think that Term made a good suggestion in #25:
What about some kind of transfer
rules, for example: "a late additional player may not
have played in a division higher then the current-1 in any
EQL before."? IE, div5 teams may only recruit from
previous div4&5 players during the season, div4 teams
from div3,4&5 etc.
EQL4 (after the summer, yeah we will have a break during the
summer and let nqr run some custom map (?) tourneys) will be
with a consideration of your suggestions, Im still going
strong with 3-4 season from august->may.
So from there we will again in the first season have some
kind of messy divisions, but it will all even up eventually
during the seasons that comes!
Its a tight schedule so we can fit more season = for each
season that goes, the divisions gets more fair.
If we get enough beginner teams i wanna extend EQL to a new
division for Beginners (ppl that have played qw for 2 weeks
or something)
What do you guys think about that?
If we only get 4 clans then we let them play each other 4
times and hope for close games so they can move their asses
up from "beginner div" and get ready for the real action.
But its just my thoughts.. I want more suggestions of how we
can prevent this or add new rules for the upcoming EQL's so
stop the flaming and start the suggestion.
(johnny. all admins have equal power, no1 in the admin crew
is scared of saying what they want to say. if they are, then
we should reorganize the crew)
#103 2006-04-11 11:12 by menth0l (212.68.8.XXX)
A beginner division is a great idea Sassa. It should be a
division pretty much "separate" from the rest of
the league, just for newbies to play some fun and
competitive games. You should talk to mushi about it.
#104 2006-04-11 11:25 by murdoc (213.84.248.XXX)
i think this marvel guy is "envi" or maybe
#105 2006-04-11 11:34 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
No way is it gibbs, I think gibbs would be way better than
that, and he's not known for faking anyway.
I'm pretty sure from what people have said that it's
Syke/Envi/Water - the profile fits. He's a div 3 ish
standard player who ALWAYS plays in clans below his level
(not massively, maybe 1 div or 2) and who changes his alias
on a regular basis.
#106 2006-04-11 11:43 by knast (84.147.36.XXX)
ban him
#107 2006-04-11 11:56 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
This is my last sighting of Syke/Envi/Water:
He's Samen. He'd just left JW and of course, he changed
alias right away ;)
#108 2006-04-11 12:16 by moris (146.102.98.XXX)
sassa: im afraid you didnt get the whole point. its not only
about player additions. this is about players using
fakenicks and being allowed to do so. so far it was
customary to have a 'fake' nick with realnick in brackets.
marvel does not have a realnick next to his fakenick.
#109 2006-04-11 12:18 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
moris: The problem with that is that if it is who I think it
is, he doesn't exactly have a real nick, heheh. Maybe we
should dub him UK-Faker-#1.
#110 2006-04-11 12:19 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Heh, he even played as "def" back in SD2:
#111 2006-04-11 12:23 by moris (146.102.98.XXX)
lol. well in that case someone send him a specialist on
#112 2006-04-11 12:54 by son (81.51.164.XXX)
i think we should dub the entire div4b
"Uk-faking-division" :) but honestly i think we
should drop the whole marvel thing, its obvious nothing is
going to happen. the admins already stated so when a much
better player faked his way into another team in div4.
let's just feel sorry for real div4 clans playing there,
because obviously we wont see a lot of even games there this
and if the admins have the balls to stick defs in div2
rather than div3 next season (they beat jmk easily in prac -
former div2 clan and beat a2k consistently - top clan of
div3 atm) then im pretty sure this "problem" would
get taken care of rather quickly
#113 2006-04-11 12:57 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Yeah he's faking, but he's still only high-medium div 3 at
best. There's plenty of better players in that division.
#114 2006-04-11 13:20 by moris (146.102.98.XXX)
son: beat a2k consistently? :) i played 3 games vs them, we
beat them on dm2 and lost dm3 and e1m2 with them having 2
standins (purity+oase). i dont think that proves your div2
#115 2006-04-11 14:33 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
yeah whatever
aliasing bitches with new nicks every season dont belong in
#116 2006-04-11 16:10 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
#117 2006-04-11 17:37 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
son: if they are div4 now and will win div4 eazly then they
will be div3 next season, with or without "marvel"
and thats the whole eql idea.
But if they improve between the seasons we can use our
wildcards to move them up a div.
I really dont think "marvel" is a big problem as
you guys seem to think!
yes they will win div4, so what?
let them win it and be in div3 next season.
if marvel stops playing with them then they will have a hard
time in div3 ?
its just the way QW goes.
We are EQL, not nqr, we dont move teams depending on how
good they are right now.
we have a short schedule so we can contain lots of seasons
during a year so the div system can work.
and it is acctually working pretty good, yes we have used
our wildcards (used 2 of them from eql2->3 and it seems
pretty good.
Zanne/spz/marvel/ etc isnt _THAT_ big of a problem, but
yeah, you can always do better.
but a restriction that a player cant join a clan if he was 2
divs higher in a previous eql or somthing.
Marvel was div2 before right?
and he is div3 now, so why shouldnt he be able to play in a
div4 clan?
that makes no sense.
lots of ppl complained about SM having mm, they won div3 and
are in div2 now.
It has all fallen in place.
but this are just my thoughts and not EQL's.
#118 2006-04-11 21:07 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
gaz is teh funneh!
#119 2006-04-11 21:08 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
sassa: then what do u think about serox in div4?
#120 2006-04-11 22:16 by knast (84.147.20.XXX)
great admins!!!!!!!!!!
now u added div2 players (sudden death team 2 last eql) in
div4 sudden death team
omg i think its really a bad league with bad admins !
#121 2006-04-11 22:26 by knast (84.147.20.XXX)
but dont care they will win div4 and? so they div3 next
#122 2006-04-11 22:33 by trashie (81.235.129.XXX)
so much hate.
#123 2006-04-11 22:59 by Ningizzia (213.114.243.XXX)
Knast, the admins know what decisions to make. There's
nothing wrong with the league at all. Trash played with
Suddendeath 2, fine, but he is noway near a top div2 player,
pretty far from. Besides, hes's most likely inactive as
well. Now I don't have anything at all against Trash, just
giving my opinion.
As for lower teams in general, I do really think they should
stop complaining. As soon as they scout a name of a player
whos been in division 2 or whatever, they seem to gather in
groups and complain as much as they can. What they should do
is trust the admins decision instead. The admins aint
biased, I'm pretty sure of that. As for a player like
marvel, whom no one has ever heard of, it's pretty much
impossible to place such a player in the right division when
no one knows anything about him. But regarding that issue I
can tell, he's a good player, but he's nothing without his
teammates, whom hold a high level as well. Defs as a team is
probably div3 right now, if their ping allows it, but as
with all divisions, there have to be better teams that
places in the top, people don't seem to realize this.
#124 2006-04-11 23:00 by ?ke Vader (217.210.101.XXX)
Knast, we haven't had any restrictions the previous seasons
and not this one either. After all this discussion about
fakers and good players in worse divisions I am (dunno about
the others) positive for a major change in this policy -
next season. We can't enforce new rules in the middle of a
season when other clans have already been benefiting from
the rules that are atm.
#125 2006-04-11 23:23 by telly (84.12.180.XXX)
What about Chosen in div4? You beat dybbuk as badly or worse
than mor did but no one complained, instead it was all ggs.
I really don't understand how like losing to a team somehow
becomes 'unfair' just because one of their players used to
be in a higher division team.
Like gaz says as well syke has mostly been averageish in the
past. No one would care about him playing for defs, if there
wasn't all this paranoia because they don't recognise his
nickname and assume hes someone from div1.
#126 2006-04-12 00:02 by gore (81.179.72.XXX)
it's not syke, zomg drama!
#127 2006-04-12 00:11 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
chosen is in div4 cuz we didnt qualify for div3 in the end
of eql2
and we have not added any players of div2-3 standard, we
have used the ones we have and become a little better...
#128 2006-04-12 00:20 by knast (84.147.20.XXX)
You should stop the division thing then there is no reason
for fakenicking.
When u will do the div-system, do it, but do it right!
#129 2006-04-12 01:15 by soma (134.130.50.XXX)
As I mentioned earlier, I don't really give a fuck if a clan
dominates a division, because the problem will take care of
itself, i.e. the clan goes up a division after the season.
What I'm seriously uncomfortable with is people fakenicking
so they can play in lower divs "in peace" and thus
also giving the admins the wrong idea about the strength of
the clan.
Admins: Please do me a huge favour and ignore everything
knast says.
#130 2006-04-12 08:54 by knast (84.147.36.XXX)
i totally agree with myself (8h later)
#131 2006-04-12 09:05 by knast (81.169.147.XXX)
yesterday i had a nice idea, maybe the clans should get
virtual money after they won one game.
e.g.: a clan of div4 will get 50, a div1 clan 200.
a player addition costs always 500.
and of the end of the seasion u will get 1eql point for
Maybe u can improve it, its just an idea:)
#132 2006-04-12 09:38 by menth0l (212.68.8.XXX)
what the fuck knast :D
#133 2006-04-12 09:51 by Tuna (84.191.25.XXX)
@telly: well it seems that 'we just suck' (tm). so we have
given up complaining. we expect to get raped 5 more times
and play next season in div5.. same thing there then and in
2007 were going to play solitaire or quake3 :/
#134 2006-04-12 10:16 by knast (84.147.13.XXX)
well in the last eql the div4 was not so strong, we pld many
prac games against div4 and in the most cases
#135 2006-04-12 10:30 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Seems Marvel isn't Syke, it is in fact an old school player
who really hasn't played much TDM and who just changed his
name at some point in the distant past.
#136 2006-04-12 12:16 by Link (84.209.104.XXX)
Hello kidz, if you allow more maps, then underdog clans will
think it is fun to play, coz they will prolly win a map
But hell no, lets keep it tb3 4ever and have these problems
every season.
You need to have the SAME promotion system between divisions
for SEVERAL seasons. Then in the end it will even out (I
tried to tell NQR this in NQR3 - if they listened, no
problems now).
So either you do that, or you tell map whiners to STFU and
let ppl play whatever map they want.
#137 2006-04-12 12:27 by knast (81.169.147.XXX)
thats true
#138 2006-04-12 12:34 by serox (160.79.55.XXX)
Marvel reminds me of Corax from Old Uk clan Redux. Plays
exactly the same as him on every map.
He also has the same funny connection as him.
He is also kinda quiet and wouldnt post on any forum and
doesnt use Irc much.
He is better than he is playing now. In the games i saw of
him he was toying with the enemy and letting his team get
silly frags. He was playing defensive and letting his team
have fun.
Just like Corax would do.
Tried to speak to him last night to say HI and he denied it.
I would know of any UK players at this skill for sure. I
think he had a brother who plays QW also. Check them specs
he might be about.
#139 2006-04-12 13:08 by knast (81.169.147.XXX)
Redux was div1 right?
#140 2006-04-12 13:10 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
#141 2006-04-12 13:15 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Whois marvel on IRC, his name is Robert. Corax's name is
Is anyone really THAT dedicated to faking that they'd use a
fake real name? :P
#142 2006-04-12 13:28 by Hooraytio (81.236.232.XXX)
offc they do
#143 2006-04-12 14:12 by serox (160.79.55.XXX)
knast. yes we was div1.
he also used nick Kore
im 99% sure it is him.
#144 2006-04-12 15:06 by knast (81.169.147.XXX)
hm he is always "weak" in e1m2
#145 2006-04-12 15:48 by serox (160.79.55.XXX)
we always were.
dm2 he loved tele.
dm3 ra/ring.
defensive. but can do quad if needed. hes not frag hungry at
#146 2006-04-12 16:51 by soma (134.130.50.XXX)
Isn't corax wandii's older brother?
#147 2006-04-12 17:05 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Yep, serox was also pretty sure that marvel=wandii last
night. He seems to have changed his mind :P
#148 2006-04-12 17:36 by willg (217.209.96.XXX)
Im not marvel. Just so you know. K?
I think doser is marvel. Suddenly disapears from all
channels, the same time as this marvel guy appeard from
#149 2006-04-12 20:18 by knast (84.147.20.XXX)
well i have the feeling :let them discuss whatever they want
we will go our own way.
Many guys posted some nice ideas but u just ignored it.
But then i cant understand why u posted this news.
Its like an election in Kuba.
#150 2006-04-12 21:54 by ?ke Vader (217.210.101.XXX)
We've read it, what else do you want us to do?
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