Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs El?intarha | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs defs | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 1 | LegeArtis vs Slackers | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 5 | The Gibbers vs Zundbyberg aZZ KickerZ | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | Apocalypse 2000 (Squad 2) vs BaconMen | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs Tribe of Tjernobyl | 3 - 2 |
Playoff Division 4 | defs vs NoNaMe | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs Da Quaking Manjakks | 2 - 0 |
Playoff Division 2 | El?intarha vs osams | 3 - 1 |
Playoff Division 4 | Morituri vs NoNaMe | 0 - 2 |
#251 2006-04-20 17:04 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
I can't deny this, I can guess (based on my experience) that
he really didn't mean to do it. I also faced that kind of
situation more than a year ago with apocalypse, I was
speccing a game + being in the same vent channel, I was just
laughing from some funny situations but at some point I told
them what was going on, that's when they told me they don't
need that kind of help, and I realised I 'ghosted'
Fnosk did admit, but look how blantally this situation looks
like compared to normal ghosting. I think he admitted this
officially to point that out.
And I heard comments in IRC that I'm related with Oblivion,
if you consider playing against Oblivion 2 times, not even
remembering any nick apart from djevulsk then yes, I am
highly bonded with that clan and I will defend its
No, but seriously, I will always oppose acts of extreme
#252 2006-04-20 17:25 by ui (83.249.152.XXX)
#137 2006-04-18 18:45 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
btw just have to add one thing.. when ilf and his clan
whatever they now were called cheated ONLY ilf got kicked?
but for this you kick a whole clan out of the league? guess
aimbotting isn't an as serious "cheat" as
accidently saying one thing in vent because you thought it's
prac.. GG?
spot on, mate! \o/
oh, and btw: FLAMEWARZ FTW!!!
<3 goq for being sane (pun intended), <3 gaz for being
objective, <3 trash for spicing things up
#253 2006-04-20 18:24 by Empezar (213.113.96.XXX)
@ cock: it's funny that you call sassa extremely stupid for
having his revenge this way, while you still actually
believe that this is sassas personal revenge against nqr
#254 2006-04-20 18:28 by djevulsk (213.185.6.XXX)
I'd like to make one last comment on our behalf. I'd like to
point out that this is my personal view on things. Most of
these things have been said before, but i'm guessing there
are people that doesn't feel like reading 252 comments (good
job btw). And some people still seem to believe we
"cheated" intentionally (eg ToT_error).
Now, about what we, Oblivion, fucked up:
We pracced that day and sometime fnosk went AFK and hagge
took his place at the same time as we decided to play EQL vs
SSC. I'd like to point out that when fnosk returned to vent
he thought it was a prac, as it had been all day, and he had
no reason to think otherwise. He stayed on vent
listening/speccing and he obviously said some encouraging
things. I took no notice of that, neither did nakoz or pepin
(bvsmissen). Only hagge has said he thought about it, and
that's probably because he's new in oblivion. I guarantee
you, if you also had played 10000 rounds of qw with a
friendly and encouraging guy like fnosk the last few years
you would also consider his encouragement as normal as
breathing. Now, Sassa eavesdropped on us (i have no
objection to this, he's an eql admin and seeing as it is his
server, he has the possibility to) and caught fnosk saying
something (in a moment of excitement i suppose) about an
enemy in lifts. I don't know what he said, i didn't even
know he said ANYTHING remotely similar until i read his
"confession" above. I also know, just like fnosk
said, that none of us who were playing picked up on this
"ghosting". He DIDN'T say anything else during the
10 minutes he was on vent for the first round, so there was
NO planned ghosting taking place. Just one stupid comment,
in a game he still thought was a prac. And NO we don't ghost
in pracs either.
What EQL admins fucked up:
Sassa heard this comment and i FULLY UNDERSTAND AND SUPPORT
a disciplinary action so I have no objection to this either.
Would it have been the other way around i would have taken
some kind of action as well. What i do object to is that he
chose to "punish" us twice, once before SD got
kicked out from NQR and once after. His first action was to
discuss this with fnosk and they reached an agreement that
it was a silly accident and oblivion would get an
"unofficial" warning since sassa believed fnosk's
story (who wouldn't). Sassa wouldn't go further with it and
the whole thing was to be "forgotten". Nor did
fnosk tell us anything about this "enemy in lifts"
thing. Then it happened; nqr (with me as one of the admins)
kicked out SD and suddenly the warning became VERY official.
I SERIOUSLY doubt it had anything to do with EQL-admins
"discovering" we already had a warning for playing
with hagge in an earlier game. I'm positive oblivion would
still play EQL today if SD hadn't been kicked from nqr.
I would also like to emphasize one strong argument in our
defense. We recently switched to Sassa ventserver (and every
other EQL-admin's ventserver) from having a private one
before. And no, we didn't ghost on that one either. WHY oh
WHY would we make that switch if we had ANY intention of
cheating? We're seriously not that stupid.
To sum things up; A stupid mistake was done from our side,
Sassa caught it and had every right to do something about
it. What we're pissed about is how he handled it. The way i
see it now though is; SD got kicked from nqr, and oblivion
got kicked from eql. An eye for an eye, a clan for a clan.
IMHO, i think we should just just leave drop whole matter
and concentrate on more important (and more entertaining)
things. If you think qw-drama is "all that" then
get a fucking hobby.
Thanks to those who had the energy to read all this through
and hasn't swallowed some of the bullshit that has been
written previously in these comments. I hope to prac you
soon, and before you make that hilarious joke: No, we won't
ghost. // djevulsk
#255 2006-04-20 18:45 by nakoz (80.217.82.XXX)
very nice post dje.
thanks for summing things up in a great way.
#256 2006-04-20 18:46 by fnosk (130.240.202.XXX)
well written. thanks djevulsk! <3
#257 2006-04-20 18:52 by gaz (84.12.24.XXX)
I think Horatio brings up a very valid point about different
levels of warning. Personally, if this had happened in NQR I
would feel very uncomfortable with kicking a clan for a
minor incident like this, even if it was related to a more
serious action. I certainly wouldn't want it to go
unpunished, and I think in this example a points deduction
would have sufficed: the offenders would hopefully learn
their lesson enough to not do it again and they would also
have been punished.
I think the EQL crew need to reconsider this "two
strikes and you're out" rule. There needs to be some
kind of minor/major offence rule because as it stands a clan
could be kicked out for a player using the wrong nick on two
occasions - that strikes me as very unfair indeed.
The example manny used earlier is a good one - last season
Lakso (who cycles between that nickname and Petter/Xtalon
more often than I change my underwear) used one of his 3
nicks that wasn't on the EQL page and we were warned. Fair
enough, rules are rules, but it would also have been very
unfair on us if it had happened again and we had been
The punishment should fit the crime and I believe that in
this Oblivion case and in the above example that it does
I have to say I also look more leniently on Oblivion's case
because they have been honest about it - if you plead guilty
a crime you are usually given a lighter sentence, and I
think it would be right for the situation for their ban to
be changed to a 3 points deduction (or similar).
#258 2006-04-20 18:54 by gaz (84.12.24.XXX)
As a further note I'd like to add some words once spake by
the great Alexander Pope:
'To err is human, to forgive is divine'.
#259 2006-04-20 19:47 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
Okay this is going to be my last post here, this is my
personal opinion about what is this discussion about,
proposed changes for the future to avoid such situations and
something about relations between people.
To begin with, I believe that the action which has been
taken by the EQL Admins is an act of revange for what
happened to SuddenDeath during NQR. Why do I think so? Let
me begin.
I really didn't know what was the mess about when Sassa
asked me to make a .qw about the news here not mentioning
him, I couldn't care less either, so I eventually did the
.qw. I can't say I wasn't surprised by that, but I haven't
been following what was going out throughout leagues and
just thought Sassa was right. However, I read the comments
and started feeling that something just went wrong. I made
some conversations on IRC which lead me to the NQR site, and
what did I just see, news about the fact that SuddenDeath is
going to get banned from NQR for fakenicking (what lame of
you guys). After that, I knew this was just a childish act
of revange, started by Sassa, a crybaby that can't just
handle the fact that a team in which one of the NQR admin
plays in can continue their fun in a league where he is an
admin. HOWEVER I had to make sure I was right. That's why I
asked Oblivion about their views on the whole situation. I
also had a discussion with Sassa, whose only argument was
this statement 'But he convinced, read post #something'. I
mean, seriously, (I know I am being repetitive, but I
thought I could make a nice summary aswell) since when do
you KICK a whole clan for the so-called ghosting, without
even having proof? And the fact that he convinced should be
taken as an act of honesty, which shows his intentions were
clear, and he did not cheat. But why ever consider all that,
when you can simply make a nice revange, 'why would kids
play on my playground, when I can't play at theirs?' that's
the question Sassa asked himself I may guess.
Now, about the avoiding part, when will you realise that the
future of QuakeWorld is progress? I mean, conservatism is
usually good, but we face new issues on daily basis, you do
not fully realise of the consequences of keeping the status
quo in nowadays QuakeWorld. The scene is really a lot more
active than it used to be, there are more people who come
from different videogames, with ideas on how to 'get better'
and such. We really have to make these changes:
Introducing a streaming delay to the QuakeWorld would make
it a lot harder (if not impossible?) for people to ghost.
Ghosting may not be the issue with the high-div clans, but I
do think that there are a lot of clans which are not
controlled, which ghost. I believe 20-30 seconds stream
delay would do the job very well. Now, I am not sure if
QuakeTV is ready to be used / implemented to servers, but I
think this is what the community needs right now. I believe
it won't be a problem for it to be finshed soon, since
almost everything is done by now, optimizations and some
minor tweaks, then porting and I think it is going to be
really good.
And now just a small summary. I think this was a really
humiliating decision, and this humiliated the QuakeWorld
scene overall, which is believed to be one of the most
mature scenes throughout FPS ones. I seriously hope that
Sassa will realise his lifetime mistake (regarding his
QuakeWorld participations, I am not here to talk about real
life since I have no idea about Sassa) and eventually will
(along with the EQL admin crew) apologize Oblivion for the
great damage. QuakeWorld is all about sportmanship, and this
was surely not an act of it by Sassa, you can look up the
Quote I made up, which is very accurate in my humble
opinion. Sassa, I had great respect for you before, but now
you are no more than a crybaby, and I don't care what you
did for the community, this has made me think that you are
destroying it right now.
End of Topic for me.
#260 2006-04-20 19:54 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
convinced = confessed
#261 2006-04-20 20:13 by angua (82.182.32.XXX)
we are all divine for forgiving paradoks \o/
#262 2006-04-20 20:13 by skelman (70.57.155.XXX)
Are the eql admins going to look at this situation again, or
is there no going back?
#263 2006-04-20 20:20 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
LOL I promised I wouldn't talk here but this question is
very interesting.
I don't believe there is any 'go-back' for them, because
that would mean they agree they did something stupid, which
is not acceptable for their little egos
#264 2006-04-20 20:20 by angua (82.182.32.XXX)
goqsane, quakeworld is not about sportsmanship if those who
play it don't give a flying fuck about sportsmanship.
#265 2006-04-20 21:57 by c (213.65.179.XXX)
So much whine over some guys who breaks the rules, I quote
para on this one "Obey the rules!" ffs..:p
#266 2006-04-20 22:02 by ui (83.249.152.XXX)
I do. Maybe I should become head admin?
#267 2006-04-20 22:30 by Hooraytio (212.214.218.XXX)
maybe its time to see quakeworld, that is eql, nqr,
duelmania and every other qw compo for what it is: FOR FUN!
The ppl in charge of all this are putting so much work into
all this and when something goes wrong it autmatically turns
into a flamefest. When everything runs smooth its just like
"yeah nice league whatever". Ppl will make
mistakes and when they do please dont be so hard on them.
This goes for kicking SD, kicking O but also for blaming the
admins of the various leagues...
try for once to see it from another persone point of view
tho feel free to come with constructive criticism, such
things always helps to improve both leagues and other teams
efforts to become better. Point out what you think they did
wrong and give them some good advice
i know i for one can be very mad and angry during games and
i truly feel sorry for it. i am constantly trying to cool it
but i know its not always that easy. if everyone strives
towards the same goal, to make quakeworld more enjoyable it
gets alot easier tho..
#268 2006-04-20 23:42 by deathwing (213.114.181.XXX)
haha, fags!
#269 2006-04-20 23:53 by Empezar (213.113.96.XXX)
goq, you could have just written "I am stupid"
instead of that long essay..
#270 2006-04-21 00:42 by Sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
#8 hagge
he have been really mad at us since
they got kicked out of nqr.. he blamed that on dje and now
he's taking out his anger.. beware \o/ <-- again I
did not blame dje anything..
#16 menth0l
This is a petty and childish act of
revenge on Sassa's part, nothing more and I hope everyone
recognises it as just that. <-- oh so it was a
childish act of revenge?
#26 gaz
Another example of the EQL crew's
amateurish approach to making things up as they go
along... <-- im speachless
#43 hagge
that we DID NOT CHEAT to make it a
bit clearer for you <-- so u did not ghost?
#66 JKova
...cases such as this result in
arbitrary rulings of one or a couple power-seeking
admins. <-- yeah we are powerseeking admins are
You all said from the start that I was making this up, that
this was an act of revenge.
Im very sad that you guys didnt believe me from the start
(well I can understand the oblivion players that might have
not heard fnosk's "hint" and just was angry in
frustation) but for the others im very dissapointed that you
from a respected tourney writing that I have made this up,
that this was an act of revenge.
its very low of you guys.. :(
When not believing me is just the same sort of way some
russians are standing behind ilf.
what would happen if fnosk had lied and not be the honest
man that he is?
would you still flamed me that I was making this all up?
what will happen with the next "ghosting" case we
get, will you still not believe me then?
We hope that when the EQL post something you believe we are
telling the truth and if you dont, then ask questions
instead of making up false scenarios.
I know that hagge/nakoz/etc in oblivion wrote in the speed
of frustation so its okey guys, I would probably done the
same if it was a case like this with my clan.
but i can not back from what those NQR admins wrote :( !
I should have said this earlier, but b?ttre sent ?n aldrig,
Im sry on behaf of me myself that I didnt look at the eql
page and saw your warning. I should have done that better so
we could have cleared this situation from the start. sorry about that Oblivion.
When fnosk came forward with this some of you still didnt
believe us and thought it was an act of revenge.
I dont know how I can explain this better than, IT WASENT.
It was an admin decision.
Thats again my words and if you dont believe what I say,
then we will never agree.
We will not change our mind about this decision (sry) and
thats again a EQL-ADMIN decision, its not a "sassa
revenge", its the admins decision.
We like the input that you all have given to us and we will
go through them for eql4.
ps. all we have is trust when we cant provide evidence and I
hope that in the future no1 will say "it was a childish
act of revenge" and just believe the admins
(probably lots of typos etc..)
#271 2006-04-21 03:33 by error (213.114.99.XXX)
solid post djevulsk
You are right that it makes no sense for you to switch to a
public server if you want to cheat.
But you did cheat. And of course it was intentionally. But
maybe not planned.
I hope you are honest when you say oblivion has never
cheated before, however unlikely.
#272 2006-04-21 07:15 by menth0l (82.181.141.XXX)
Yeah Sassa i'm sorry for that comment :) But you have to
understand at that point there was no real evidence of any
cheating whatsoever, and all the oblivion players denied the
whole thing. That made me question the existence said
evidence and your motives. I think the best thing to do now
is to put these two incidents behind us and play some QW :)
#273 2006-04-21 09:17 by gaz (84.12.24.XXX)
I'm also sorry for that comment Sassa. I know the effort
admins put into running leagues, sometimes people say things
carelessly without thinking about the consequences :E At
that point we hadn't heard from Fnosk or seen any evidence
so surely you can understand skepticism over the
Anyway I would be interested to hear your (or any other EQL
admin's) thoughts on my comment #257.
#274 2006-04-21 09:39 by djevulsk (213.185.6.XXX)
I believe a great deal of the "revenge" part of
all this is still valid. As i wrote above (before you flame
me, read #254 about being punished twice) i do think
oblivion would still be playing EQL if NQR hadn't kicked SD.
You obviously didn't make this whole thing up, Fnosk is way
to honest to let people think that, but you (as in all
admins, BUT with sassa dealing with the situation) DID
change a decision after SD wasn't allowed to play playoffs
in NQR. Coincidence? You just happened to "stumble
upon" our first warning about hagge? Forgive me, but I
think not.
#275 2006-04-21 09:53 by Hooraytio (193.10.221.XXX)
#279 Sassa
#16 menth0l
This is a petty and childish act of revenge on Sassa's part,
nothing more and I hope everyone recognises it as just that.
<-- oh so it was a childish act of
In what way do you defend yourself here Sassa? By asking
that question it merely seems you don?t have a good answer.
#276 2006-04-21 10:45 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
#272 menth0l
"I think the best thing to do now is to put these two
incidents behind us and play some QW :)"
sorry can't, I'm banned :( byebye qw :'(
#277 2006-04-21 11:17 by hagge (81.236.21.XXX)
fan hagge, du ?r slutat qw fler ggr ?n jag bytat boxer :)
puss ? kram
#278 2006-04-21 11:18 by lucky wilbury (81.236.21.XXX)
det var jag som postade ovan
#279 2006-04-21 13:44 by JKova (80.221.17.XXX)
I, also, am sorry for the comment I made before any evidence
was presented and fully concur what menth0l and gaz wrote
#280 2006-04-21 14:20 by 1337 h4x0r (81.234.13.XXX)
j00 411 5uxxXXxX!11!!!
#281 2006-04-21 16:22 by fog (81.216.124.XXX)
Fix the comments on several pages instead please, this is
pretty annoying :)
#282 2006-04-21 17:53 by ?ke Vader (217.210.101.XXX)
Response to Gaz about post #257:
I agree with those of you who think that we should have
different levels of punishment and have brought up the
question among us before. For a decision to get changed it
takes a majority of the admins to agree though, and we need
to know that such a punishment system is prefered among the
players. I really think that we need to consider this until
next season though. In Oblivion's case i think that the
Hagge incident wasn't that serious for example, but at the
same time we should follow the rules etc. :I
Response to fog:
I have thought about this. Tonight i'm getting some booze
and party though so maybe i'll do it tomorrow. :p
Love to all of you! <3
#283 2006-04-21 21:33 by -insane- (83.27.154.XXX)
I always knew sassa sux B|
#284 2006-04-21 22:42 by knast (84.147.7.XXX)
thats why we should not have 2 leagues in the same time:)
its not a problem for the clans, i think its too much for
the admin crews got headage stress and persecution
without sasse we would have no eql1 and eql2 ( u remember
there were no other leagues at this time!)
at the moment i think about what will happen when there is a
lan again and sassa and gaz (also some other guys) will
come? what do u will do? running arround with a power saw?:)
killing each other:)
come down u just write some comments because u want
something read at work!
#285 2006-04-21 23:26 by ui (81.234.13.XXX)
You need to appreciate the demonic powers that fuel this
flamewar. It's not just about making time at the office go a
little faster...
It's about the forces of Hell itself uniting to kill
Quakeworld. You puny mortals will fall before the might of
teh flam0rz! :(
#286 2006-04-21 23:37 by manu (82.209.190.XXX)
#287 2006-04-21 23:46 by Haggis (84.48.110.XXX)
Good thing about all this is that we get a debate going and
some serious suggestions to make the league better. We get
some shit and flame aswell, but hey, thats all part of the
game, we get bored sick otherwise :)
So in that regard it's kinda good this happened, even though
people disagree in the punishment against O.
But ffs, it's not a perfect world. People kill for less shit
than qw, so everyone, take a deep breath, jerk off a couple
of times while watching the skank Carola and have a few
Personally i'll skip carola, im off to get wasted (almost
300 now guys)
#288 2006-04-22 00:30 by JKova (80.221.17.XXX)
btw oblivion's games have not been deleted yet and the table
in div2b is fucked up. fyi, admins.
#289 2006-04-22 00:41 by qmole (193.108.218.XXX)
As we near the #300 mark, let's take a moment to reflect on
this drama.
It seems the hate's died down now. The kick has been
accepted, though I think everyone feels a little regret
about the whole thing. Perhaps it was a bit harsh, perhaps
not. Cheating's so rare in the qwscene that there aren't
strict guidelines for when the rules are broken. You'd think
that if a clan cheated twice they should be insta-banned,
but in reality there's different levels of 'cheating' and
Oblivion were caught by this.
I'm not sure a 'cheat-points' system would help either;
ghosting's a serious offence, but unintentionally staying in
a voice server isn't. Where do you draw the line? I think
admins have to use their discretion in situations like this,
and admit it's not always best to follow the rules to the
So there's been some constructive discussion and even some
apologies, which is nice to see. The scene would be *a lot*
worse off without people like Sassa, gaz and all of the
EQL/NQR/etc admins running the stuff we take for granted.
Next time, I suggest giving them the benefit of the doubt
before calling for their heads. Would you *really* rather
they didn't contribute?
(well that's taken a while, are we on 300 yet?)
#290 2006-04-22 00:58 by willg (217.209.96.XXX)
the obvious problem nowdays is that the cheaterhunters
nowdays go and make a dramtic public forum post, draw big
headlines on the newspages naming and framing the ones
condemnd. I think it would be a nice way to inform and
discuss the topic with all involved first, before letting
hoi polloi burn them on the forums. Just today def spent
alot of his time investigating and writing a long forum post
blaming the top quakers from an entire continent of
cheating. He eventualy points out that it was unintentional,
but the dammage is already done.
#291 2006-04-22 01:50 by gaz (84.12.24.XXX)
lol @ knast, just because I disagree with Sassa sometimes
does not mean that I want to hurt him :) We are both adults
and I'm sure we can both see this debate for what it is :)
#292 2006-04-22 02:29 by mae (85.216.82.XXX)
first of all i think you shouldnt punish that
"ghosting" thing, not cos its not a kind of cheat,
just becos u cant handle it... evryone can open a winamp
(and i dont think anyone will admit it in the future for
sure anyways since this incident)
like the cl_clock command, evryone can use an external clock
for timing too
i think football tells quite well how to handle that...
1. normal warning...
not so bad , smaller things...unintentionel almost...
unregged players(but already clanmembers) ,using wrong nicks
(but regged players)
punishment.. lose points after x warnings
2. yellow card
intentional, but by one individual
fakers,bad behaviour towards opponent/admins etc.
punishment... replay game/lose points/kick the cheater
3. red card aka 2 yellows
bots,wallhacks,etc.+many of the clans knew about this
punishment: kick the clan
in football u consider here 2 things...
was it turning around the score and was it extremly unfair
and u should only ban the clan if its clear that many of
them tolerated /were involved into cheating
--> show a bit of sure instinct, in football a too strict
ref can fuck up all the fun send someone off the
field when HE GOT SPIT :(
4. lifetimeban if u spit on rudi v?ller?s hair :)
#293 2006-04-22 05:58 by vb (211.30.158.XXX)
7 to go
#294 2006-04-22 11:20 by trash (81.235.129.XXX)
#295 2006-04-22 12:54 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
I want to congratulate trash for all the effort he must've
put in to be able to figure out which number his post had,
keep up the good work mate! \o/
#296 2006-04-22 13:09 by goqsane (87.250.163.XXX)
while I can agree with mae about the warning system I can't
accept his understanding of ghosting. Gameclocks do not
affect the gameplay as much as ghosting is, it is inevitable
to make an open discussion about it, but the way you see it
is totally wrong :>
#297 2006-04-22 14:23 by Kalma (88.112.65.XXX)
300 posts with just two football analogies?
#298 2006-04-22 14:49 by aikon (213.113.64.XXX)
new comment record ?
#299 2006-04-22 15:08 by HighlandeR (193.219.28.XXX)
and the winner of the 300posts competition is :
#300 2006-04-22 15:09 by HighlandeR (193.219.28.XXX)
ME !
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