Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs El?intarha | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs defs | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 1 | LegeArtis vs Slackers | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 5 | The Gibbers vs Zundbyberg aZZ KickerZ | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | Apocalypse 2000 (Squad 2) vs BaconMen | 0 - 3 |
Playoff Division 2 | Satanic Slaughter Clan vs Tribe of Tjernobyl | 3 - 2 |
Playoff Division 4 | defs vs NoNaMe | 3 - 0 |
Playoff Division 4 | BaconMen vs Da Quaking Manjakks | 2 - 0 |
Playoff Division 2 | El?intarha vs osams | 3 - 1 |
Playoff Division 4 | Morituri vs NoNaMe | 0 - 2 |
#301 2006-04-22 15:55 by vb (211.30.158.XXX)
*balloons fall from ceiling*
#302 2006-04-22 16:14 by 400th post coming up next (81.182.174.XXX)
#303 2006-04-22 16:25 by def (64.229.227.XXX)
This investigation requires the powers of CSI-Paradoks and
Will Sassa have to step down like Paradoks did after his
altercations with Mrlame?
#304 2006-04-22 16:36 by Empezar (213.113.96.XXX)
why would sassa step down when this was an admin decision
and oblivion was proven to be guilty?
i'm guessing you're just trying to provoke a continuation of
this flamewar
#305 2006-04-22 17:39 by TuoppI (84.231.64.XXX)
#306 2006-04-22 18:50 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
#198 2006-04-19 13:29 by gaz
That would be me? Or are there anyone else from Lulea that
play dm?
#307 2006-04-22 19:25 by lucky wilbury (81.236.21.XXX)
next goal: 400 posts!! cmon people, we can do it!!!
#308 2006-04-22 19:34 by gaz (84.12.24.XXX)
Term: fnosk is from Lulea :)
#309 2006-04-22 20:13 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
Shit! I'm in trouble now ;) Man.. I had nothing whatsoever
to do with this ;) (almost true actually).
#310 2006-04-22 20:32 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
However I think (both SD and) Obv got what they deserved and
I don't get why all the drama. They (both) made some
misstakes and will face the consequences. Sure Sassa should
have gone public with the warning right away, that would
have saved us some problems, but I think his intentions were
good. Hopefully we will have 3-4 EQL's every year so a
disqualification should be quite a short punishment. The two
warning = disqualification system have IMHO worked well so
far, if I remember correct then Obv is the first team in 3
seasons that have got a 2nd warning. The idea is that teams
should be extra careful if they've made a misstake etc.
#311 2006-04-22 22:41 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
I Obv-iously mean Oblivion, sorry. Anyway, I'd like to
compare our system with track and field, 100 meters for
example. First false start gives you a warning, it dosnt
matter if you try to cheat or if you just make a misstake,
you know that next time you do it you'll be disqualified and
your extra carefull. To add a few tenths of a secod to ur
time would be silly (comparable with removing points?)
#312 2006-04-22 22:58 by nakoz (80.217.82.XXX)
term: lame example. the cautios start when you got a warning
gives you the extra tens, so it's eather way. and obv, stop
that, we're not obvilion, I would take if thrash wrote it,
cause that's about his standard.. ;)
#313 2006-04-22 23:09 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
I said sorry :/
#314 2006-04-22 23:40 by mae (82.212.41.XXX)
imho u cant handle using an aimbot in the same way as using
the wrong nick in a game instead of your registered
i dont think u need that 100metre system in a league where
its actually more about WHO is left than who should get
kicked out..
additionally i think that system in reality is really cruel.
i think in ice skating theres one false start and then at
the 2nd start , no matter if u caused the first one.. u just
get kicked out
how cruel is that, u prac a whole year, for olympia even 4
and get kicked out cos of one little fault u probably didnt
do intentionally
#315 2006-04-23 00:34 by Term (85.226.178.XXX)
When Ilf used a aimbot we 1) removed him, 2) removed all
victories on maps he had played on (one) and 3) warned his
#316 2006-04-23 06:27 by KF (211.26.118.XXX)
i was going to comment on this but its so pathetic i decided
to write this instead :(
#317 2006-04-23 10:48 by Eta-bETa (81.229.245.XXX)
Where can I read more about ilf? I must've missed that!
#318 2006-04-23 11:07 by zzzzzz (83.216.100.XXX)
When will this tourney come to an end?
#319 2006-04-23 11:30 by HighlandeR (83.20.173.XXX)
#318: when all teams gets kicked out :D
there can be only one !
and the remaining one will be the winner
#320 2006-04-23 12:04 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
EQL2 site:
http:// forum:
#321 2006-04-23 15:46 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
and which team it's gonna be is gonna be decided by the
admin with the most powers.. my guess is term, since sassa
hasn't gotten enough balls!
#322 2006-04-23 17:47 by ui (81.234.13.XXX)
you did so not go there!
#323 2006-04-23 21:01 by apokalypze (83.233.197.XXX)
Rofl, it's funny how both Sassa and Empezar are are the ones
sitting here spilling their "righteous" bs all
over the thread considering the fact that THEY TOO GHOSTED
DURING AN OFFICIAL GAME back in NQR5 (I think) when playing
with #fnu.
#324 2006-04-23 21:15 by murdoc (213.84.248.XXX)
pwned :)
#325 2006-04-23 21:27 by apokalypze (83.233.197.XXX)
Come to think of it, it could've been during some ladder,
AdMortem maybe. However, it doesn't make it less lame.
#326 2006-04-24 01:00 by ui (81.234.13.XXX)
gr?vande journalistik! \o/
#327 2006-04-24 10:09 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
I'm not suprised! plz ban all the sdteams!
#328 2006-04-24 18:46 by record (84.10.228.XXX)
where is the love? :(
#329 2006-04-25 10:48 by old (153.1.250.XXX)
ilf airfragged it with ng :)
#330 2006-04-25 10:56 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
lol @ #323
#331 2006-04-29 16:59 by aim for 400! (81.182.174.XXX)
#332 2006-09-05 22:16 by 400 on the way (81.182.123.XXX)
#333 2007-07-01 03:19 by lolx (87.250.172.XXX)
haahuehua LOLX
goqsane ftw.
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